Sorry seablue, I really like most of your posts, but I'm gonna have to disagree a little here 😁.
The thing is, most people don't really need your support, they just want to be respected and have their feelings and opinions considered on an equal standing with everyone else.
The problem comes when a subset of the population is seen as lesser, or irrelevant, or that something they did that everyone else does is more sinister because of who they choose to be. Just because someone has different or the “wrong” sex organs, or different colour skin, or religion, or race, or culture, or belief, or species (Hi to any extra-terrestrials out there!) doesn't mean that they mean less as a person, or should be feared more.
Respect all people equally. They don't need your support. They don't need you to commiserate with them about their suffering. They need to stop suffering because of people who think they need to be treated differently. They need you to stand up with them when you see people trying to take away their rights to live as they need to.