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RE: Choose Yourself, That's What the Storm Said to Me

in #life8 years ago

Good for you. ;-)
For people who go on Outward Bound courses many say the hardest bit is the three day solo. Nothing to do for three days but be alone with yourself.

For me, I've spent most of my life alone with myself, so I never really understood the challenge of it until I got to talking with people who had done it.

For many that's the life changing event. not the nearly freezing to death, or drowning in the sea, or hiking for days. it's sitting down and facing yourself that people find hard.

Know yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses, know your limits, and know that you are so wrong about all of them. You are much more awesome that you give yourself credit for.


"and know that you are so wrong about all of them." that is so amazingly true.

If I may ask, how does it feel when you spend a lot of time with yourself? I know that many writers and artists love solitude.

Enjoying ones company is an underused treasure for sure.

Thank you by the way.

If I had to distill my time alone down to one word, I'd have to say - peaceful.
I tend to get more creative when I'm alone for an extended period - both in terms of creative writing and in writing code.

I've come up with some really cool code after spending a day or so in the bush by myself. I've also written entire novels in my head while climbing a mountain.

For many, solitude is a punishment. For me it's a reward.

In one of my many incarnations (a few years ago now) I was an outdoor pursuits instructor. My job was to push people past their limits and show them their true potential.
I was very good at it.
You can't get really good at it without first facing your own limits and fears and dealing with them.

I'll always be very grateful for that part of my life.

For many, the storm is frightening, the isolation is traumatic, but the learning and growing is cathartic.

For me, the storm is just weather. There will be weather tomorrow and the day after. it will be different weather (hopefully), but still just weather. :-)

I would love to read more. I just followed you in case you write about these things.

And you're right, it is just weather.

Thanks for that :-)
Followed back :-)

I hadn't thought about writing about that sort of stuff. Maybe I should.

Thanks for suggesting it ;-)

One of my favorite writers one said that shame is when one's personal stories and thoughts are left untold.

You will help other people for sure. We all learn from each other, so why not? :)

I'll add it to the list of things to write about ;-)