I agree with Jack, true independence is there for the taking.
Turdball is just another sycophantic, arse kissing , criminal scumbag sucking up to the globalists.
Why doesn't the Aussie government do what's right for Aussies? There is no need to be on the globalist bandwagon. Australia needs its own Trump, someone who isn't afraid to go against the bullshit bankster driven narrative.
Make Australia great again!
Succesive governments have fuelled an out of control housing market by inflating the currency, have ruined the economy in the same way and followed the globalists into never ending conflicts.
Australia can stand on its own two feet and survive without the support of the Washington DC and City of London pyscopaths and truly become the greatest country on earth.
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Tremendospercy, I was just thinking exactly this the other day, its good to see others thinking the same way. Thank you Tremendospercy for what you have written, I was begining to think I was the only one who thought like this, I can't tell how nice it is to read your thoughts!
Make Australia Great for every one!, we have enough natural reasources for everone in the country to thrive.
The chinese? How will they deal with it, they come over here and buy houses with cash, drive up the price and regular Australians are pushed out of the housing market, I can't afford to offer 2 million for house. Really what are they going to do?
Thanks, I understand that, of course, but isn't it only the rich who are leaving China and then buying up our realestate so the average Australian will never be able to afford a house? Short term its great for existing home owners who get a shitload of money but once you sell it, its gone from Australians.
I've heard a few things about China, some say they have hidden accounts that will miraculously save the world and there is on old family that controls all that money, but maybe all those at the top are in it together nothing seems to change things get worse as our politicians flush the country down the toilet for their own personal gain.