Already started to affirm your philosophy! :) (STEEM network is like a jungle sometimes)
Are you studying psychology or something similar, or you're on the spiritual path ... expressing this light?
Now I just decided to interact ;)
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I like to think I’m on the spiritual path;)
As for psychology, it is my one and only love and while I do not study it in school per say, I do read on it pretty much full time;)
I believe we all are on the path...
Some less conscious about it, but that does not mean that they're not already evolved...
They are sleeping phases for a better awakening
I knew it! :) You're a freestyler on your own... that's the way to do it...for all of us.
It is good that you practice ...all your gained experience...
I think we can be friends :)
and btw.. thanks for the inspiration... was missing an element today ;)