in #life7 years ago (edited)


Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different and unique in our own ways.

There is no reward for completing unrivalry race with anybody except in Olympics where medals are awarded, so my friend, please run at your own speed and run how you like it. Don’t try to run other’s race. It is your own race, so run how you like it.

Stop worrying about how people are living their lives. Live in the present and plan for the future, and share the glory of being part of this world. No amount of gold, silver or money will be awarded to those who try to rush things and miss the very essence of running. Don’t just run for the sake of running because running is important and not the race!!

All you have to do is to run with patience as well as perseverance. Train yourself early to endure hardships and then you can discipline yourself to run the long distance of life.

Although, everyone wants to try to get as far as possible which is a normal thing because no one wants to be left behind, but what you should be running towards is how to make very good use of your time and do the right things at the appropriate time. Never run at the pace of a anyone because to show to her or how what you are capable of doing. Never dabble into a business you know nothing about because your friend is succeeding in it.

Remember that everybody cannot get to their destination at the same time because some have many years left, some may have hours or minutes, but the point is that they are actually going to get to their destination. It's just like a motor driver who is running as a fast speed leaving all other motor drivers behind. At the end of the day what happens?, the drivers he left behind will surely cover up the gap when he either slows down or stops. That is exactly how life is.

Those who compare their lives with that of other people and follow their pace normally trip and fall. They fall down and may find it hard to get back at their feet. They stay there and loose their time without someone to help them back up. Many people do not achieve their purpose in life because they are never satisfied with what they have. The cherish that which belongs to other people than theirs. Some even go as far as borrowing clothes and shoes because they don't want to appear like someone else.

Your friends might have been married before you with kids but this should not result into a marriage competition. A rush to get married can land you in the hand of the wrong person.

I know of someone who married at age 20 but divorced at age 30, and I also know of someone who married at age 35 and the couple will be celebrating their 35 years marriage anniversary next week. That is the way life is.

Although, your friends, school mates, neighbours, parents and the society sometimes create forces that forces us to enter in a rat race, but these things only make you a slave of your thoughts and ambitions.

My dear, don't let anyone push you into doing something you're not happy about. It's is up to you with what colors you paint your life

Never enter rat race with anyone, but live your life relaxed and happily. When you enter into a race with someone, one never wins and one's selfish desires doesn't even allow one to win.

When we start running for hypothetical ideals like “success” and “happiness" that comes with nothing but "money”, these things fade away and that's an omnipotent truth.

If you are wondering what doesn't fade out then, it's self-fulfilment and peace of mind attained from deep inside us without any external gratification.

When we reach the milestone that we thought was our golden key to happiness, the feeling of satisfaction is fleeting, but when we want to do exactly like other people, we’re constantly chasing a carrot on a stick that’s always just out of reach.

The only way to truly win this race of life is to realize that you have to run at your own pace.


The key points of this article is that

  1. Never compare yourself with others cos you have no idea of what their journey is all about.

  2. Never concern yourself with what everybody else is doing

  3. Everything in life is easier when you don't concern yourself with what every other person is doing

  4. Don't compare your beginning with someone's middle

  5. Those who compare themselves with other people are usually below them

I hope you learnt something from this write-up

Thank you for reading. Please kindly encourage me by upvoting

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Have a nice day!


This is inspiring bro. Thanks.

Thank you for reading bro

Oh yeah this is great advice! I think comparing is most helpful when done with one’s own progress not with other people’s

Oooooh yeah.. At last! I brought you on my post

Thanks dear

This is beautiful tosyne,You deserve a presidential handshake with lots of goodies.

Thank you very much bro.. Thank you for reading