Embracing your inner weirdness

in #life7 years ago


When talking about mental health I honestly think people suffer so much because they are not doing what their soul truly desires, deep down they are crying out, they are in anguish. Their free spirit and innate creativity has been smashed out of them as soon as they were able to walk almost, taught to obey, never question authority, sitting in a classroom being told what to think and what to believe, then straight onto work more often than not doing something that their soul deep down despises. The soul is directed form a very young age onto this familiar path, is it any wonder that so many people feel lost and unhappy when that inner child has been lost also, that creative aspect of us that has been beaten down? The explorer, the writer, the philosopher, and the artist.


Imagine a World where we were free to truly walk our own paths, how many could honestly say they would still do the same thing as they are doing now? For me a large part of societies collective mental problem comes from the suppression of the TRUE self and our very souls, a basic inability to both express and live out its true wants and needs. Our souls are held in cages so how can we ever expect to be really deeply happy and content? We’re told to ‘shut up and sit down’ from childhood and in reality this goes on right through to adulthood. I know this to be the case because I lived it, I hated school and then went onto do jobs that were extremely unfulfilling and deep down they drained my soul energy. The material gains like a nice house and car etc really only masked the suffering that was going on inside of me. Somewhere deep down I knew that I was only existing, I was not living, and certainly not living my purpose. What I really wanted was to set my soul on fire, to do what it was that I had come here to do, and that’s all any of us really want, just to live in line with that spark within, that reason that gets us out of bed in the morning.


Following our passions in life is essential for happiness, and yet there are very few brave enough to follow their hearts. People take so called ‘security’ over taking risks that may reap longer term happiness. Taking a job that may offer more ‘financial security’ yet spiritually will leave them dead because deep down its not really what they want to be doing. Again Ive done it, Ive worked in banks previously because it was ‘safe’ yet it was like going in and watching paint dry day after day! I always say to young people follow your heart, even if it means taking the more risky road, at least you will have no regrets even if it doesn’t work out. The Universe loves courage and Ive found that by following my own heart, albeit later on in life, the Universe has put certain people, places, and circumstances in my path to help me achieve what my heart desires it was just a case of taking that leap in the first place.

I really resent the system for stealing my creativity for all those years, and its only now that I have the time that I realized I could even write and how much I enjoy it! I never had a moments peace to write before, any free time I had was spent exhausted and trying to recover from a stressful day or week at work. Its astounding how much of our true selves are stolen from us, our most valuable commodity our time is used up mainly doing things that we don’t want to be doing. So its easy to see the root cause of so much unhappiness and emptiness in the World. I encourage anyone who is procrastinating and who these words resonate with to go out and find yourself, find your passion, your reason for existing, then follow it. Take the risks necessary to get you there and you will find as I have in my own life that if you follow that calling, that feeling, then you will get help from something higher. Take a leap of faith and have no regrets. Time passes by so quickly, leave your mark on the Planet and do what you came here to do which is to express and honor your true self and all your passions and desires. Strive for greatness in whatever field excites you, give it your all. We have fallen in love with average, existing, and just getting by, its time to end this relationship and have a better one with ourselves, one where we honor our own individual greatness within. No more ‘little me syndrome’ victim mentality, and this blame culture that we live in.


Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage



Great article Tony, enjoyed it muchly, as usual.

And by a weird (not so much) quirk of fate, synchronicity or just a moment of "great minds thinking alike" I am just finishing writing a post about "crack pots" weirdos, the flawed, the wounded and the outcast! 😊

Look forward to reading this.