BUSINESS ATTITUDE ** To the conquest of your entrepreneur kingdom

in #life5 years ago

BUSINESS ATTITUDE ** To the conquest of your entrepreneur kingdom

By José Antonio Apipilhuasco.


Have you felt the desire to ** undertake ** and do not know where to start? Have you developed a ** business project ** but have you felt lost early? You have different ideas that could generate you ** a company ** but you don't know which one to choose?

My name's José Antonio Apipilhuasco and I invite you to read this and the subsequent series of articles that I will be publishing on business management. I am sure that here you will find answers that are useful for developing your projects.

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The ** mind ** is the Kingdom in which the entrepreneur must have dominion in order to carry out a project.

Projects exist of the most diverse, there are governmental, lucrative, social cause; and these admit their diverse specialties: scientific, humanistic, artistic, philosophical, sports or personal development.


But, for the project to achieve prosperity the first domain that must be conquered is the kingdom of the ** mind. **

We know well that the individual is he and reality, but, even in the most adverse circumstances, nature demonstrates how she, by following her natural processes, is able to break through adversity, and the same would have to happen with human fulfillment.

Experience teaches us that human beings are individuals who have dreams and aspirations and that in our deepest desires are the intentions of inexorable fulfillment.

However, statistics show that out of every 100 business projects only prosper and exceed the year, at most 10%.

Then, assuming a very realistic position there is a big difference between the seed that makes its way between the asphalt to give rise to a flower, than in the human vital experience in the matter of generating business activities.

It is scientifically proven that, with optimal conditions of lots of every 100 seeds 90 are viable to germinate. In this case and paradoxically the result is reversed.

And it is worth asking: why this difference?, and the answer is: the human being has the unquestionable ability to modify the environment in which he sits, for better or worse, corresponding to the management of his destiny, Unquestionably, control over greater factors is required than those that influence the germination of a potentially viable seed.

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And it is here that, the kingdom of the mind, is once again, our center of concern. Well, while the viability of a seed and its flowering achievement depends on its genetic material and optimal external conditions, in our case, the development of any company that is largely dependent on the domain and control over the ** mind. * *, and this is important, even more than the skills and techniques to develop the desired workforce

Why is important the entrepreneur mind?

Because in the case of a simple seed, germination will be the consequence of two factors that are constant, its good genetic material and the environment that promotes germination. On the other hand, in the development of a human project, the mind must have the elements that allow to develop business itself,but also, the environment in which the project is to be developed, it is structured ex professed in order to avoid competition.

That is, before developing the project, the entrepreneur must have in mind the necessary technical knowledge that will allow him to develop the project, which could be the genetic material that distinguishes each seed in itself; but, moreover, and much more importantly, the entrepreneurial mind will have to be provided with the correct ** attitude ** towards the environment circumstances on the horizon.

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We will define by ** mental attitude ** the good spirit that the business must possess when facing the project, all adversity carries within it the opportunity of an even greater benefit; Good mood allows you to transform adversity into opportunity.

So. A good mental attitude does not mean that the entrepreneur should not ignore the obstacles they face when developing their project, since it is not about having a good naive position that will probably lead the business towards failure.

Obstacles will have to be transformed into an opportunity to take advantage of them or if they mean an unbeatable increase in investment or a notable distancing from the goals, objectives, mission or vision of the business to be sided in a creative way

In the analysis of the obstacles faced with good attitude and open mindedness, most of the time it will be discovered that we are shown on the way opportunities to reorient the business, either because the business environment is changing to such a degree that it is necessary to refloat the business or identify new needs and niches of opportunity to develop new products, lines of research or cover new markets.

It is very important that the entrepreneur has a ** good mood, ** to transform the experience of breaking barriers into inspiration and beneficial opportunities for the project.


The focus, the joy, the desire, the energy, the greatness is for those who develop a fervent desire to develop high goals.

A ** correct attitude ** is not the same as a good attitude. Good attitude means having a good mood in the face of adversity, it means that even in the face of pitfalls and failures, good spirit continues to push us to keep trying. On the other hand, the **correct attitude ** is the one that elevates us to face the challenge, because it allows us to develop critical and logical skills to examine the environment to know the causes of the success or failure of the venture, to notice adversities and, where appropriate, Find the principles that govern the environment to modify or, if necessary, do what is necessary to change the circumstances and thereby obtain the achievement.

The ** correct attitude ** is therefore the aim of achieving the objectives by analyzing the environment, developing the necessary practices and reorienting and taking advantage of obstacles along the way to obtain the best benefit from them or to avoid the cost of a deviation from to the standard planned for the business, the ** right attitude ** ties up with logical analysis and strategic planning. The correct ** attitude ** therefore gives accuracy to the project.

The ** good attitude **, in contrast, is a rather psychological posture very similar to the habits that drive the entrepreneur to gain control of his mental interior to maintain balance in an environment that fosters frustration and conformism. The good attitude ** is part of the internal practice and may well be called maturity. And it is essential so that the entrepreneur does not decide to launch the project with the first adversity or the first change.


The ** positive attitude ** implies the conjunction of the previous two and their execution. The ** positive attitude ** is therefore achieved, when we have resolved in our mind the destiny we wish to reach and, in addition, we proceed pragmatically to the execution of its steps methodically, maintaining constant observation of the environment to face the obstacles, skillfully transforming them into opportunity or transform them into high profits.



Your business project, whatever it is: governmental, lucrative, social; it requires for your development that you have mastery over the three types of attitude.

The ** correct attitude ** allows you to solve your destiny. That is, it allows you as captain of a ship in the middle of the night, to determine the star that you use in the sky to give guidance to the navigation of your ship in order to drive it to the port on the horizon. The ** correct attitude ** implies that you take time to develop your goals, mission, vision, planning and schedule of results. The ** correct attitude ** allows to fix and reach the results.

rosa de los vientos.jpgalth so that you can face the project with strength. The ** good attitude ** therefore allows you to be fluent in acts.

The ** good attitude ** is the good spirit to promote the mental and physical health necessary to build you as a person and also continue with the achievement of the project.

On the mental level it implies the maturity to make resignations to cultivate your physique and the project instead of developing both the practices and habits necessary to obtain the results that the planning requires, and also to keep the vision alert to identify obstacles and take advantage of them or overcome them without entertaining in feelings of frustration that stop the development of the project. And on the physical level it implies that you give yourself time and space to cultivate your body and all the capabilities and mental control to conduct your ship to the goal.

The ** positive attitude ** is the one that will give you mastery over the mental concentration so that you keep the direction of your project, but especially of your mind both to identify and record your progress, as the external chains that without being obstacles, will do whatever is necessary for your project to stop. It is the position that will allow you to develop positive thoughts to continue strong with your project.

The three forms of ** attitude ** will give you dominion over three important factors: your mind, the environment and the action, which is the form of supreme dominion, because without the need to receive an external stimulus the energy of your interior will flow naturally , while cultivating them, to drive you to the constant execution of your project, whatever it may be.



Materially developing the ** positive attitude ** in its three phases, you can see how it radiates little by little from your insides.

And in the long run, as you continue constantly on your project, its planning and development, despite the obstacles and with constant control, trust will not have to be announced, simply your environment will realize that it can trust you in the project you have deepened and do not miss you if little by little people begin to follow you in your area as a result, because who Destination has become an expert need in your area, both for its concentration and for the weight in gravity of its results.

Follow me. In this blog I will be uploading more articles like this covering, business administration, human resources, tax and finance. I am interested to know your opinion, please let me know it below, in the opinion area.

Do not forget to share this with who you think this analysis can be useful in your market operations.

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My name's José Antonio Apipilhuasco.. I am interested to know your appreciations, I beg your messages under this post, to be in touch.

My telegram: Tony Apipilhuasco.

My Twitter: @Su_fiscalista.

YT Channels: Tu comunidad Fiscal; Entornos financieros y Seminario de Derecho Fiscal y Derechos Humanos.

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Very good tips! Thanks for sharing! 😉👍

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