Last October I was diagnosed with blood cancer. Now its March of 2018 after all tests known to man they could find no mass to treat so I have to think I don't have a real problem. I need to get back to my roots. I wondered how my tree has over 13,000 people in it. When someone contacts me and says that I have a photo of their great grand parents can I give them any info well after I establish who they really are I may end up with a lot of people in my tree that I was not aware of. If you have learned anything about this hunt is that people want as much information as you can give so accuracy is paramount the people that seem to be looking are now in their 40's so you may not have even their parents in you tree let alone all their siblings and their children.So unless you want to be the family historian find someone in your family that can tell you specifics that you want to know.I get daily notifications because I have so many people and I host more trees other than the Dendy's and the Calabrese's. I hope that I will do one post here a week and answer some questions you may have so if you have any stories or need any help here I am.