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RE: If You Want to Appreciate Life, First Learn How to Appreciate Yourself

in #life6 years ago

Its always begin from us.

we never love other if we didnt love ourselves
we never forgive other if we didnt forgive ourselves
we never appreciate other if we didnt appreciate ourselves

Its always begin with us,

Then we think 🤔 within us , is possible to love , forgive , appreciate yourselves ?
You remember how much you didnt deserve that love , forgiveness and appreciation ,

Let me tell you , like what i have told you in my previous comment in somewhere article in @chbartist publication , i write human being has choice.

You are what you think .
You ll never love , forgive or appreciate yourselves if you didnt give yourself a chances ,
There are always chances for people who think and believe they have they chances.

You are what you believe.
You are what you decide .
So , dont wait until other make you believe ,
You believe and decide it yourself

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