I wasn't socialized very much as a child and I have an introvert personality too. My ears are very sensitive to sound and I have a hard time regulating my body temperature so I don't like crowds, specially the loud party kind of crowds though I do enjoy watching people have fun. Can't dance to save my life, can't hold alcohol nor want to anymore... yeah, let's just say I've always been a corner kid.
Over the years I've learned how important people are to my health and so I make extra effort to go out of my way and get a dosage of humanity from time to time.
When flirting I've learned you just have to risk it. I don't think it's good to spend time in thinking what it could be, just go out there and try to get it done if that's what you want. There's always going to be someone more socially awkward than you.
And while it's nice that you are thinking about your partner's ability to consent, some people use alcohol to get over the nervousness of the first time with a person. Unless you see the chick can't control her language or motor skills then just go with the flow and make sure you aren't pressuring her.
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