in #life7 years ago

Food for thought! Your mentor or teacher is the last face of God you will meet before you meet God in yourself. That's power. Teachers wield tremendous power to shape our perceptions and share wisdom with us; that is why they are to be respected and given your attention. That means you must become a student and submit to the wisdom of your teachers. Teachers and students are the equal parts of an equation; one cannot exist without the other.

Did you know that until you understand your future, you will not find your true teacher? You must forget what you think you know about the material world, blank your mind to your former "knowledge" that the only way to achieve wealth is to work tirelessly in the physical realm, and accept that you do not know anything. When you can do this, you will become a true student and your true master will appear. It is almost another law of Cosmic Economics: when you are truly searching for a master, and you are in the frame of mind to be a true student, a master will appear. When you can admit you do not know anything, someone comes into your life to begin to light the way.

Your master may be someone you have known for years

Here's why: There are, however, two misconceptions about the master-student relationship. First of all, a master will often not suddenly appear in your life out of nowhere. Your master may be someone you have known for years but did not perceive as a master; remember, your perceptions shape your reality. When you finally acknowledge that you are a seeker, not a purveyor, of knowledge, then that person whom you have known for years will appear to you as a master, someone whose wisdom you did not value in the past but which holds great value for you now. Masters can come from anywhere.

Be mindful about this..