My Father Bought Me

in #life7 years ago (edited)

My Father Bought Me.

When I was bankrupt, more wicked than I understood, and completely lifeless, He found me.

And in a voice that cracked through time and space, He proclaimed, “She’s mine.”

In the very moment He whispered into my ear, “From now on, you have nothing to worry about,” I felt certain that there was nothing too shattered that My Father could not fix.

When the full implication of this divine transaction hit my heart I almost couldn’t take it. The price He paid for me is devastating. He gave the life of His only son for mine. A Beautiful One who perfectly pleased him sacrificed for one who on her own never could.

Yet, for him to embrace me is risky.

I will run. He will find.
I will defy. He will restore.
I will fail. He will not.

I am beyond grateful for this gift I don’t deserve. Why it is His good pleasure to offer this impossible love to all of us, I simply couldn't tell you.

But this I know. I am His and He is mine.

And now I can truly love. But only because He first loved me. His love is simply uncontainable.

I hope I make him proud.

Happy Father's Day. I love you.

my father bought me.jpg

"but God demonstrates His love for us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
-Romans 5:8

"We love because He first loved us". -I John 4:19


I will run. He will find.
I will defy. He will restore.
I will fail. He will not.

I was not expecting to read this when I saw a Father's Day post - and I am so blessed by the surprise.

The price He paid blows my mind, and the love He extends continue to draw me nearer.

Thank you for this encouraging post @tlester. To Him be the glory!

I didnt want Fathers Day to pass without relecting on my perfect Father. Im glad it encouraged you @lydon.sipe.

Great one indeed.

We have a Perfect Father! So much to celebrate today as His children.

Amen to that @hereishome. <3