The Absolute Nightmare That Is My Life

in #life7 years ago (edited)


It has been 9 days since my last post here on Steemit, and that's not because I have lost interest in the platform. It's because my life for the past few days has been a nightmare that almost defies description. I don't have the energy or mental fortitude to describe it to you in all of its gory detail right now, but suffice to say that I have had to move twice.

I moved out of my house and into a new house, where the crazy landlord (who was for some reason snooping around while I was moving in) immediately noticed the movers unloading dogfood and went into conniptions about the house's strict NO PETS POLICY! This is despite the fact that their house was listed as Pet-friendly all over the internet listings and the realtor who showed us the house told us that dogs were acceptable with a deposit.

She literally told the movers to stop moving me in, even though all of my stuff was already in the house. She forced me to give her the keys because "the lease doesn't start until tomorrow!" So I had to give a crazy, raving lunatic woman the only key I had to a house that contained all of my possessions.

Then, the next day, I had to meet with her at 10:30 AM (at which point she bizarrely offered me vodka!) to move all of the stuff I'd moved into her house back to the house I'd just moved out of. So, over the course of two days, I literally moved my stuff from House A to House B, then back from House B to House A.

So, after weeks of preparing to move and months of looking for a new place, I have ended up exactly where I started, just with all of my stuff in boxes and my house in absolute disarray.

I'm sure my haters will get a good laugh at my expense on this one. And I'm glad that I can at least bring them joy, because for me this has been nothing but a miserable experience.

Did I mention that my back was out during the entire duration of these events and I couldn't even stand up straight, let alone walk without a pronounced limp?

Fucking bloody hell.

I'm only scratching the surface of this insanity. But I thought you should all know why I have been so inactive these past few days.

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Don't worry about the haters on Steemit. You probably won't find them here. You think people are gonna be hating when they could just suck the d for an up vote?

Hope you get the whole housing situation resolved bro!

Damn sir...That sounds like a hell of a couple of days. Sorry to hear about that. You could always fight it...if you have the strength left. After all the listing, and the realtor said it was okay. If you have that in writing :\ But, that's not the point of this post, looking for advice, hehe.

Hope it all works out for you! :)

A lawsuit is being very seriously considered at this time.

I would...because, seriously, that's crap. Throw in some pain and suffering charges in there as well.

yes, that's what you need, don;t let the crazy bitch get away with violating the contract, I would also made a video with the name of her company and tell people to stay away from her - that is if I were you, or rather myself in your position ;)

Don't. Huge waste of money. Landlords have nearly total discretion over their rental policies. The lease itself falls under state laws and local ordinances that protect renters' rights, but the policies themselves are a different story. And I live in the civilized North. I can only imagine what would happen to this case in the Sovereign Confederate State of Louisiana.

Hope you feel better soon, we've all missed you.

good to see again man.

Who would laugh at someone who had to go through something like this?? You have my sympathy. When I moved into this house in 2000, I told everyone that, when I move out of here, it will be feet first because then I wouldn't be breathing anymore. It's flippin hard work!!

Dude, moving is hell, but to have to do it twice in a row, man? That's like twice the hell!

Shit, that sounds awful. As the naive kind of person who always assumes that things will "just work out", I can totally see myself in the same situation... Hope you got the men's march signs with "penis power" with you back to the first house and didn't throw'em away.

Hope things get better!

Best wishes, glad to hear from you as much as the actual details of it suck.

Great to see you blogging as well as videos, I'm not a hater but your story brought me a chuckle - great to have you back

I want to believe you can get some money back from the Real Estate Agent. "torture and slander" just make it a bit better. moving is a bitch anyway.
btw a just start renting out my place and one week in my the washing machine was broken so had to buy new excellent start.

I second this. The crazy landlord's ass is probably covered by the paperwork (although it is worth checking just in case), the realtor on the other hand has to worry abbot her reputation if she wants to keep her job. Even if she technically didn't brake any laws, this still makes her look incompetent.

Awfullly sorry for what happened to you? How can we help? Any suggestions?

Dawg, that's some lawsuit-tier bullshit, even beyond the false advertising of the house. Locking your property inside can probably be legally considered theft, especially if you had to hand over the key BEFORE a time to retrieve your property was set.

Use any law technicality advantage to legally fuck this hoe.

Life indeed man. Shitty shit there bud, hope things improve for you real soon

Really missed you here
Pray you get better boss

Chill Bro. Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes you're the tree. Next time ur on da trigger

Oh my goodness gracious God bless your dear heart sounds like you've been through a lot thank you for letting us know what's going on, Its so wrong what you had to go through with housing. I sure do know what the whole back thing is like it's not a picnic at all. So glad to hear that you didn't just up and leave.

Awful, I hope you get over it as quickly as possible. All the best !

shit wish there was something I could do for you to make you feel better.

Vodka at 10:30 AM? Louisana is a wild place.

Jesus H god damn Christ. =\ That land lady sounded like someone that's very punchable. I prefer my land lady, she's an old woman with a chainsaw (literally) who gets shit done, loves animals and is overall a very lovely person.

Sorry about your experience, moving sucks.

This sounds like shit. It's always anything that has to do with real-estate where you find all the super crazy and obnoxious people. My dad had to move out a few crazy people, who would put water bottles full of ice in the yard to scare dear away.

Betcha wish you hadn't thrown your life away moving from Washington and quitting DP huh?

A troll comment from a believer:
Athesist go to hell so you just got a taste of it, you'll better find Jesus soon!
Now seriously:
If you ever gonna find Jesus, I hope it's because of love for him. It's very wrong to tell people "you're going to hell" - that's not an argument. If you want to convince someone to find Jesus, do it with love. So with my all love for you and for Jesus, I'm telling you, you're going to hell! (oh well, I said I was trolling ;) )

I hope everything get's back on track soon! That was pretty fucked up what happened there, I'd say you have a pretty good case against the realtor and/or landlord.
...and hopefully your back recovers well!

Lately is seems like almost everyone in the whole fucking world is either dealing frustrating stupid shit, or horrible depressing events.
I will look at this as a reminder that life isn't just randomly fucked up, it's universally fucked up.

Moving is listed as one of the most stressful life situations, I believe it lies between death and public speaking. Sry to hear about this.

Can't you sue those people for giving false information about being Pet-friendly women they weren't?
I think that they ought to at least pay up for the cost of moving and the stress you went through.
It's so annoying.

Well at least you still had the original place to actually move your stuff back in, it would have been an absolute pain to not only find another place but put all your shit in storage and find somewhere to sleep in the meantime.

Good luck with that mess my dude.

that's fucked, sorry to hear that TJ. I've dealt with landlord BS before, and learned that they are mostly immune to logic or compromise... But vodka? that's interesting... :|
Anyway, I hope your back feels better soon, take good care.

She sounds like an immigrant lady who happens to be a fucking idiot. But I would've accepted the vodka. Landlords may be the most craziest people on the planet, only because they've dedicated their lives to a constant state of stress and dealing with random assholes who occupy their properties. I would know; my father is a landlord. Take it easy, TJ, and thanks for the entertainment.

At least it hit you in the face rather than a billowing uncertainty over time you can't control...before it inevitably hits you in the face. That feeling's the worst (From current experience)

Damn. That sucks, hope you feel better now.

She sounds very reasonable.

  • Apartment to rent. Pet Friendly.
  • Would you like a vodka on your way?

Maybe she's Polish, who the fuck knows.

I was starting to worry you were hit by a train.
That's an upgrade I suppose.
I'm sure you'll find a nice place suiting your special needs soon.

You can always tell the psychos from the normal people from the way they treat/love animals.You should definitely sue.False advertising is against the law.

Damn TJ - sounds like hell. I suppose your apathy towards most things would suit you rather well in this situation, but there's only so much you can take before you finally start getting pissed off. Stay strong and fuck that idiot with legal action if possible.

Damn, that landlord sure is a freaking pain in the ass, why would it's house would be advertised as pet friendly and make all this ruckus for something that shouldn't be a problem, looks like you've got into someone waiting for you to "tipp" her to allow your pet to get in, as she offered you vodka, it's sign she was attempting some "shit" if you know what i mean.

And i think the smartest thing to do was actually to move back, wich you did, smart bastard, i think you saw the situation globally and felt this was going to a shithole pretty quick if you didn't made the right move right away isn't it ? It could have been the beginning of a very toxic relationship with that landlord, maybe i'm overthinking it but she might have known who you are, and tried to milk some money out of the situation, or make a profit out of this in some ways, who knows. I sure would have seen it coming if it was the case, some "experience" gets thrown into this when you look at people, some would say it's bad to judge people from how they look or behave but damn, unfortunaly, i get very often to 97 % accuracy when i analyze i little bit too hard and deep someone's body language, way to talk, to look and to behave overall.

Sorry to hear you also have huge back problems, sometime i'm barely able to walk and have to use these heated up medical ballons filled with water under my back for 30 / 40 minutes(excuse my bad english i don't know the medical term for these in english) to start walking "normally" as i have soldered / welded discs together, displaced discs, reduction of the passage of the vertebrae / grey matter thing there, i'm all fucking broken when days are very cold AND humid, and when it's tropical humidity i feel very bad in the backbones too.

To me it looks like you have pretty similar issues when weather is not suitable for your back bones / tissues / nerves.

Love you TJ, good luck on finding a new house. Thoughts and prayers heading your way.😄

She was hacked by Russian Hackers! That is why her infected Brain offered you Vodka! #asshole-empire

Well, TJ, that's chaos for you. I thought you were into it :D

I hope you do sue her, people shouldn't be reduced to ridiculous charades like this. Regardless, hope you find a cool new place soon (or decide to stick with the old place, whatever works).

had my share of nightmare situations it put a delay on me for nearly two years for my own content all because of the type of work we were in and moving, good luck and stay strong, sue the bitch and nix that contract probably offered you back cause she knew she fucked up.

Hope everything gets better. Love ya bro!

rip TJ the cripp.

But for real I hope things can work out a bit better. Not just for the selfish reason of wanting you back, but also because it sounds like you basically just got fucked by life. We've all been there, but it ain't fun.

Damn that sucks man. Hopefully all that shit works out.

Moving is a nightmare at the best of times, but that landlady sounds like a piece of work. I'd strongly suggest seeing what legal options you have even if you could recoup the costs of moving it would be a major benefit and drag name through the mud a bit.

Starting from last Thursday I've been moving to a new place as well. Although we had everything prepared it still was a huge pile of work. Tomorrow the last few pieces of forniture should arrive and I'll be back online next week.

The only thing that keeps me going is the outlook on a beautiful, original and personal place to call home.

What happened with your landlord, or lady, is incredibly awful. Yet it's fortunate you will not live there. Tbh such a landlord is not someone you want to answer to.

10:30AM vodka seems warranted in this situation, as well as leaving with the rest of her bottle.

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