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RE: Should the United States Ban Guns?

in #life8 years ago

You clearly are not someone who has studied the political theories that created the United States. Even a glimpse into the writings of the Philosophers who the US Constitution was based on would make this argument completely erroneous. Ban guns please.

The United States is founded with the guiding philosophy that we have the "Right to Rebel", which means we also have the Right to Defend ourselves. The Government never granted us these rights, they merely acknowledge them. Therefore the Government has no authority in the social contract that we created by allowing Representatives to represent us, to take away those rights. None, no legal authority at all.

Furthermore what most anti gun people do not comprehend 95% or something of the Gun crimes committed in America are done with ILLEGAL FIREARMS. You have to understand that Gun laws ONLY affect law abiding citizens.

If you want to see what America would be like with a gun ban, go look at Venezuela. They banned private firearm ownership and now the only people with guns are the completely corrupt police and the bad guys. Screw that.

Watch this film:


Not to mention that Hitler could never have pulled off what he did without his ban on guns. "To conquer a nation, first ban guns!"

@titusfrost Did you actually watch the video or read what any of what I wrote or indeed any of the comments? Your comment suggests not.

Actually I did watch that garbage video, all the way through. That kid's "middle ground stance" on the subject is total nonsense, he is clearly for gun legislation, and for banning "assault rifles", which is liberal nonsense. None of my counter points were addressed in that video and he has no leg to stand on when he is referencing False Flag staged shootings like Orlando. Furthermore I have had this debate with many Brits in the past in person and they just don't get it. You don't understand what you are talking about. You clearly don't get that taking legal guns away from people won't do anything about the illegal firearms which cause the bulk of the crimes. Did you watch the film I sent you in reply?

You don't understand what you are talking about.

You clearly read nothing I posted or any of the discussion nor do you have the capability of understanding the concept of healthy debate.

Further your attitude and stance is so inflammatory that I suspect that you could well be a pro-gun control troll who is trying to portray people on that side of the argument as reactionary and argumentative.

Whether you agree with an argument or not it is possible to have a rational discussion but that is clearly not something you wish to have.