
Every day we stray further from God!

thats te world we are living in

More like a Hu? o_o

What's wrong with this? Headscarfs are trendy... :D

I'm not sure what i'm looking at. Is it a man? a woman? a big bootied man? Is it the pants that are stuffed? welcome to the trans distraction i guess...

I don't understand why you are asking yay or nay on these photos. Are you asking if we find this person attractive? Interesting? Like the fashion style? I think that I'm so glad that on Earth we have a wide variety of options, abilities, body types, and ways to express our uniqueness. Also, I have recently become aware that gender is a spectrum. It's not just male/female. Our world is so interesting. :)

I don't understand why you are claiming gender is a spectrum. There are only two genders, male and female. A rare hermaphrodite has characteristics of both genders. You can identify as whatever you want and dress however you want, but that doesn't change your gender. Even a sex a change won't give a man the ability to have a baby. Also, could you outline all the genders in your gender spectrum for us please :)

@good-vibes This is an interesting topic to me, so get ready to dive in! :) Responding to you has inspired me to make a post about this topic! Check out my post here: Gender is a Spectrum: Thanks so much for your comment. I hope this leads to further discussion.

If I had a dollar for every gender there is I'd have $2.

thats a good insight .Thank you

I hope that's photoshop.

kkk its not

I'm gonna go with a big nay!!