Letter To An Annoying Neighbour

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Mama Asabe,

It is not my fault that the former inhabitants of the house I now live in, the one next door to yours, chose to park away.

It is not my fault that I am an introvert who has chosen not to be overly friendly or interactive with you. That I do not allow my children play in the rain, mud or sun like you allow yours does not make me a snob.

I know I do not owe you explanations. However, I write to air my own complaints. The constant noise that comes from your apartment, that seems to be never ending is aggravating. It disturbs the peace in my house as my children find it hard to go to sleep under such noise. We now sleep late because of this. I am tired.

I am tired of having to hear the constant hurling of insulting words at your husband and your kids. Today we hear "Olori buruku" , tomorrow it is a scream of "Ode" at one if your children who may have done something to offend you.

I am tired of the wrong English expressions that come from the mouth of your children. Expressions my children easily pick. Once, I heard little Adaugo saying,"mummy have go". I was alarmed. Adaugo's tenses are always right. I later learned your son Vincent had said it and she had picked that up. It is influences like this that makes me not allow my children mix with yours.

I am tired of your husband too. His drinking and late night returns are a nightmare. Every morning, I wake up to see bottles around the compound and the stench of alcohol from the night before disturbs me.
I do not want my children to see this and think it is normal.
I do not want my children craving the nightlife and the bottle too.

It has been three months that we have lived together and I have had only complaints to give. I am no nag but I must air my complaints.

This condition is not one I want to train my children in. So, I write to request that you take to corrections and make amends.

I hope to see amends. No bottles. No insults. No late night arrivals. No wrong English expressions.

Perhaps our children may become friends and us too in extension.

Your neighbour,
Mrs C.

                                 - Chizaram Opara

