Breathing techniques are the easiest, cheapest and most direct way to willingly influence one´s autonomic nervous system. So everybody can live more healthy by simply learning controlled breathing. There are even some free Pranayama Apps with pre-defined breathing patterns. Also, I like combining breathing exercises with mindfulness meditation :-) There is plenty of free information on both mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises on the internet. On google scholar one can also look up some scientific studies on the benefits of controlled breathing, there are some interesting research papers. Have a nice day everyone! Feel free to contact me if you have questions on the topic :-)
Well said, breathing is the most direct way to access life force energy. Always there, and it's present even for the biggest skeptics. Lots of good energy to all of you!
Thank you! I look at the breath like a sort of interface. It is the physiological connection between our autonomic nervous system, which we normally can´t control on purpose, and the processes we can control by will. It is the link between mind and body.
Yeh and we walk around with this tool every day so it makes sense to make best use of it in our daily lives.
Yeah, I hope both of you will keep teaching this to whoever is willing to listen. It can only bring positive change.
Exactly. Great comment.
Thank you :-)
Yeh this transformational breathing technique seems to be different to normal breathing techniques taught in yoga, qigong, meditation etc. It's very much more full on from what I see, it is supposed to build up the carbon dioxide in your body which then some say is linked to the spiritual type effect you get similar to taking LSD. It sounds very interesting and looking forward to trying it out.