Have you ever wanted something so bad that it was all you thought about?
Did that something eventually come your way? Possibly you bought it, made it, or had it given to you? Did you ever stop to think about why it happened that you were able to obtain that which you wanted?
(Photo Credit: http://www.bestsayingsquotes.com)
Sometimes people fear things, then they happen. Sometimes they obsess over something and then it happens... sometimes these things are good, sometimes not.
What if I was to tell you that thoughts are very powerful. What if I was to tell you that the way you think is the way you live?
(Photo Credit: https://i.pinimg.com)
Could you imagine if we woke up every day and told ourselves that we were going to have a good day... Then it actually happened?
What if we took that one day and made the decision to never let anything cause us to have a bad day? Flat tire? No problem, take some time to enjoy the outdoors while you change it. Spilled soda on your shirt? Take the time to laugh about it when someone asks what happened?
How would this change your life?
How would this change the lives around you?
How would this change your future?
I challenge you to think about the things I have mentioned in this topic.
Feel free to leave comments with feedback as I am genuinely interested in what you are thinking at this very moment.... Is it positive? Is it negative? Maybe you should ask yourself why?
Nice! Keep encouraging others Brother!
Ahh, well thank you my friend. I have been trying a lot to be as positive as possible. Things in life have gone all kinds of crazy but I have my foundation and that is Christ so I can't help but to be positive and loving to everyone I am in touch with... which these days it is a lot of people because of the new job and that is a server position at a local friends restaurant here in Cali.
I have a lot of new things going on... we should catch up sometime soon brother!
Thanks for the support Papa-pepper!
encouraging post thanks for sharing with us keep it up
Thank you for the support and the input! Keep posting positive and encouraging things.
very nice post bro keep it up best of luck...........