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RE: The Bill of Rights (including The 2nd Amendment) was written to 'Protect The People' from their own government, not from each other. Which explains WHY 'career politicians' WANT your gun.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Without exception the big cities with the toughest gun laws have the highest crime. Why? Because outlaws prefer their victims unarmed. No use in pretending that because you pass a gun law.. guns will suddenly disappear. They wouldn't.. government/outlaws (and Patriots btw) would still be armed.


I'm not even arguing about the stats or the specs, I'm talking about the plain fact that its so easy to get a gun. So many times you hear how even the mentally unstable got a gun by simply walking into a store and buying it. That for me is plain wrong. If you want to shoot someone it shouldn't be through a state supported route.

At least making it a little bit more difficult for illegitimate gun ownership would change the whole dynamic on gun laws. The reason for owning a gun as a citizen should NEVER be "cause I want to shoot/kill people."

I'm not even arguing about the stats or the specs,

Here you are saying, 'Let's not bring any 'facts' into this discussion, stick with blind speculation.'

Guns don't kill people, murderers do. If there were no guns on the planet, do you imagine halos would suddenly appear over the heads of the 'violent takers' in this world. Your grandmother's only chance against even an unarmed maniac [which we have no shortage of] would be a gun.

Moreover, bipedal predators won't give up their weapons because of a law, yet [unfortunately] the sheep will. Guns are all that keep the sheep equalized with the wolves. How will they protect themselves from a stronger assailant without a weapon? Do you think such assaults will end because of a gun law?

Your position is 'cartoon idealism' compared to the real world.

Killing with your hands is much more visceral, there's no way someone of sound mind and raised in a peaceful environment would be able to do it without at least hesitating. Guns on the other hand, even an amateur can kill tens of people.

So tell your grandmother she can't protect herself [has to be at the mercy of intruders, rapist, robbers, and psychopaths] because some gun-owners might get trigger happy. An end to your naive confusion can be found in this sentence.. 'If you OUTLAW guns, only OUTLAWS will have guns.' - This one impeccable equation Trumps all gungrabbing arguments.

You aren't listening to me are you?

You aren't learning anything are you.

And let me reiterate, my point was making it more difficult for crazy people to get a hold of guns.