Hi @edgarare1 and @crypto.piotr this post is very thought provoking. Based on my personal experiences here are my observations...
Meditation = Focus
Meditation helps in improving concentration/
Obviously, the problem that this implied was that we devoted our energy and attention in trying to demonstrate that we tried to do something, instead of dedicating ourselves to thinking.
This is exactly what most people do. Putting yourself under stress is
something which works for a very short period of time. You feel good
for a very short time aka an Adrenalin rush. However being in this
state for a very long time can be very detrimental. It subjects to
both physical and psychological harm.
Meditation is just the opposite. There are many different techniques
followed by varius schools of meditation however most invariably start
with focusing on the breathing.
Meditation is all about focus, looking inwards and connecting with a
higher order call it nature or god it does not matter.
The who focus is upon being in sync and disconnecting or expelling any
negative thoughts.
Thanks a lot for your amazing comment @thetimetravelerz
You really impressed me with your knowledge...
Meditation make us a better person, we can see our life different, I mean not in a wrong way. I mean a better one...
You’re completely right about different breathing techniques..
We are showing one of the easiest one, I know it looks so simple but as you know it is so difficult at the beginning.
But it is just practice like a new language or a dancing movement...
It is showing knowledge of something new, we can see it like a metaphor that can help us for a better life and see this one for great and incredible results..
As you said. Improving Concentration, Focus, happiness, cells can be running very well when your body is relax...
Thanks a lot for your amazing comment.. love that..!!!
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