I just learned today that 3 out of 4 people hate their jobs!
It's not only an astonishing statistic....but It's sadly to see it.
The reason that people hate their jobs are in common here:
We accepted what offered amount at that the beginning was some reason, desperate to get offer, no option, need to pay bills. We have to do what we should to! If we must, we won't do it!

We would like to receive some respect from their work. It's not just work for pay check to pay check. We are human being. We need love & care as well.
We are worrying about losing their job all the time, then we are not focusing on the work. If our employers be positive and honest in sharing information, we are be more open and feel positive on the positions what we are doing for our job everyday.
It was a norm to get a job in the old days, and retired with a gold watch and good vacation package. Not now a day, "it's only 52% committed" to their job. This response was down from prior year respondents, providing many employees are frustrated and willing to jump ship if something better comes along.
We are adults. We should be trusted and working without monitoring all the time. We know what we are doing and we don't someone looking over our shoulder all the time.
We are expecting to grow with the company. We would like to get promotion and be trusted to handle a higher position as accepted at the interview! If we cannot grow and earn more respect, we can grow somewhere else.
We have our own passion in life, we know what we can do better in the job responsibilities and our life as well. If our passion is not align with the company, it's not good for us to stay. We can show our passion to grow our own company!
Yeap! if you are not good boss, it's time to say "Good Bye". We are true worthy, if you cannot see in us. The better companies out their can see and will let us help them grow. There is not only one company to seek for a job, there are gizzilions companies out their waiting for us to be happy and be good assets for them.
If all the above are familiar with you, don't be afraid to share and open up and go to show them.
You are valuable and worthy to too many companies who are waiting for you to show up to them.... go go go..
Never negotiate for less, you are gold for the company who can see you as a gold!
Good Luck and show the world who you really are, you are amazing person and lovely human being!
Much love,