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RE: Beekeeping For Everyone! - #2 - The Importance of Pollinators

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This article is excellent. I did not know that bees pollinate only one type of flower at a time. When I started reading your article I thought of people in China hand pollinating fruit trees and sure enough 3/4 of the way down the article there is a picture of people in China hand pollinating fruit.


Lets hope we can turn things around before we need to hand pollinate. I imagine there are efforts now to develop mini insect -like drones to mechanically pollinate plants. Of course, this will raise new issues I imagine. The best answer is to restore to nature's way.

mini insect -like drones

That's disturbing. I think drones are a Pandora's Box. I can remember them unsuspectingly hovering over the backyards of people showing the aftermath of the hurricanes.

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist; but, I do believe they were used in the recent Vegas massacre.

Well, let's stay with the upside of nature. I'm glad to know that local farms are thriving. I learned a few years ago that buying honey from your area help tremendously in curbing/ending air-born allergies.


Yes, local honey does help with allergies. Bee sting therapy also does amazing things for health ailments as well. Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies have no way to patent and profit from it so it will never make the mainstream.

Unfortunately pharmaceutical companies have no way to patent and profit

Sad truth; and, why it's important to pass down generational remedies to keep them alive.


I will have to do a post on bee venom therapy. Will dig up a couple of podcasts I did a while ago with Amber Rose who was student of Charles Mraz (pioneer of bee sting treatment). I supplied Amber with bees for her patients and also learned her protocol. She is doing wonderful work with Lyme disease.

I will have to do a post on bee venom therapy.

I look forward to this information; and, its health benefits. I imagine a bee-sting treatment would be a bit like acupuncture.

Again, many thanks!
