How many women do you really see driving a manual transmission? Not really that many... right?! Why is that? I love driving manual as it provides more of a challenge, like the difference between skiing and snowboarding! I snowboard as I find it more of a challege . Now... lets talk stick!!!! As most of you know I drive a 6 speed manual BMW. I learned how to drive one at 16. I feel that just knowing how to drive a manual is key in case of emergency; instead of saying UMMM I don't know how LOL (feeling like a complete idiot).

I feel that drving manual has many key advantages such as:
A . Being able to downshift in the winter instead of using the brakes
B. Having more awareness while driving
C. Easier to diagnose over an automatic
D. Feeling in more control over your vehicle
E. Rev matching

I love being able to have fun with my car, but feeling in control at the same time. Who wouldn't like that! Manual transmissions are fading to dual clutch and paddle shifting. Many high end luxury manufactures have been converting for a while now. The dual clutch (automated manual transmission) has its pros by allowing the driver to shift 10X faster than the traditional manual, not having to have a hand free at all times, and being able to toggle between an automatic mode while letting a computer change the gears for you or choose to change the gears manually by utilizing the automatic shifter or the paddle shifters to upshift and downshift the car as needed. These are all great features however the manual enthusiasts like me, want a clutch.. this is the sweet spot as to why people like to drive one all together. I hope to inspire more women to want to try driving a manual or at least learn how. Plus ladies... the guys like when girls know how to handle a stick!!!! Thanks for reading and ride on.

The first thing my father told me before I was old enough to drive was learning to drive was a right of passage onto the road and everyone should be able to drive a stick. And that is exactly what we did. First car I drove was his old crappy beat up Nissan pickup with a manual transmission. I was proficient driving that truck before I even got behind the wheel of an automatic. I sure do love driving a stick thanks to my dad that experience! One of these days I'll get something fun to drive again, but for now the priority is the kids needs.
I have a similar story as you, but I started out with a beat up toyota pickup truck that refused to shift into 2nd.
That always sucks... i've been through that.
That is great! Its great to see the importance of knowing how to drive a manual. I feel that this generation is a much different story.
You should leave the US once in a while... there is a wide world outside the US driving stick. I’ve been driving manual cars since I got my driving licence 10 years ago. The first time I had to endure driving an automatic car was in the US. I personally don’t care much for automatic.
Working consumes me so traveling is far and few between, however I think it is great that you prefer driving manual cars over an automatic! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, especially from a woman, which is even more rare than finding a stick shift nowadays haha. I have been driving manual transmission for many years, and I agree with you with what you say. And you forgot to mention saving on brake cost. Love it!
And forgot to meniton, what a beautiful woman with a beautiful car. I always wanted the 3 series or is it 4 series now . Can't seem to find any other sport sedan with stick shift. I'm hoping to save up for one.
3 series are still being made and they do have a very own line of of 4 series that were produced starting in 2014 with the 2 door and now a grand coupe is out as a 4 door hatch back!
You got me! Yes.. the savings of cost on brakes is a big one.
My salute to you from man who stopped driving stick shift several years ago. :-) i think I'm still up to it but they don't sell many manual cars where i am.
It is quite a shame that stick is fading. All we can do it continue to share education around driving one and share great stories as its becoming a thing of the past :(
i think for practical reason, people who live/drive in the city a lot will prefer auto and for cost efficiency, dealers in my country rather not have too much variation of car models with complexities they have to maintain. few people buy manual here nowadays - some of them who buy are driving instructors so people can still learn to drive manual.
Why is that special :P Ok, in the US...Get to Germany, 100% stick drivers there ;) And many BMWs
I am fully aware, have family there!
I must say I am surprised that the car is prettier...