And San Fransisco, and a few other cities in California and along the West Coast. Seattle or San Fran always seem to lead and the rest of us get to follow suit.
Drinking with a straw and driving. Yeah, I'll bet that a lot of states bring back capital punishment for that offense. How could someone do a thing so horrible?!!!?!?!
(Note: that's only if the drink is non-alcoholic. If there's alcohol involved, the person will be let off with less than a slap on the wrist for endangering everyone else's life, and then sent on their merry, drunken way... minus the straw though. We can't just let them off entirely.)
My parents would say all of the hippie states :)
haha that's about it! With the straw, there's probably a public tar and feathering, with people gaping open mouthed at the horror of witnessing someone who'd used a straw. big public gasp
I don't know what happened to the West Coast. Or the East Coast. Heck, I don't even know what's happening to the places between those two. It seems like the whole country is going crazy. Well, just as much as the rest of the world, I guess. Strange times.
I'm beginning to like it more and more here because that level of crazy just hasn't made its way here at all...yet.