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RE: Of Prune Juice And Ginger Ale

in #life6 years ago

I'm sorry that the meds are giving your wife problems. That's nice that your son was able to go to the store and get the stuff for her. Also nice that someone turned the goods back in when he forgot them. $7 might not sink the boat for a lot of people, but it's nice when things work out. I hope everyone starts getting better soon!


Thanks @themanwithnoname.

I'm hoping that whatever my daughter-in-law has is not contagious. I've managed to go most of the year without being ill so far and I'd like to keep it that way.

Not really concerned about catching what my wife has. As far as I know, that's not communicable. :)

I think the idea is to get my granddaughter out of the house when her mommy starts to cook, so she won't be at her feet in the kitchen where something can get spilled or worse. Which meant it was easier to get the things because they were already in town.

Still, I'm glad I have a son who takes responsibility for his actions, or inactions in this case. I'm also glad his daughter is his number one priority. Prune juice and ginger ale (even if it is Canada Dry), just aren't on the same level. :)

Well, here's hoping for a speedy recovery for everyone... and continued health for you.

Yeah, Canada Dry is no Seagrams, but it will do in a pinch. My wife really likes the Trader Joe's ginger beer. It's pretty good!

I was thinking I liked Canada Dry better, but now I'll have to do the taste test. I know I've had both, just not right after the other.

Thank you for the well-wishes. She seems to be doing well. She's been bored now for over a day, we went on a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood, and she seems to be eating well. She just needs to get the bowel movements going and we'll be in good shape.

Okay, there is some pain happening, but it's usually due to some kind of unexpected movement, more than it be something constant.

Never tried ginger beer. Interesting. The FDA classifies them as non-alcoholic even though they're fermented because they contain less than 0.5% alcohol.

Thas righ ocifer. Issss jussss 12 gallons of ginger beeeer... urp.