Only Once In Our Lifetime Does This Happen.

in #life7 years ago

Fun Math discovery while having a random discussion with my son.

Your parents, are twice your age only one time in your life and it's when you reach the age "year" that your parent was when you were born.

For example: ... if one of your parents were 30 when you were born, let's say 1980 .... in 2010 you would be 30 and they would be twice your age and 60 years old sometime in that year.

Now watch ... using the same scenario - in 2011 you would be 31 and the parent would be 61 - but no longer twice your age. Missed it by one year.

In 2020 you would be 40 years old and they would be 70 - now you missed it by 10 years. So only once in your lifetime and theirs will they be twice your age ... 

I feel like this should be a special birthday for the child and the parent. What do you think?
