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RE: God Will Never Withdraw His Attention From You!

in #life8 years ago

Do you believe in a Triune God? God the Father, Son and Spirit? The Jesus I know was the Word in the beginning, fully human and fully God while on Earth, bore all sin in death, vanquished death on resurrection, ascended into Heaven promising a return. There is no divergence in our understanding of Jesus.
It seems you just believe there is no ramification for sin.


Thanks and God bless your ministry. This discussion seems to have hit an impasse, and I know better to let something like this stew between Believers.

If you look my posts you will see the distinction between the Father , the Son and the Spirit!

So, you don't believe in a Triune God/the holy trinity? If not, this conversation is about something completely different.

I do dear with everything within me... @thehilly