All excellent points i normally don't think of when i post. i need to read your comments while im posting to remember. you have a lot of experience and knowledge on posting. im greatly enjoying your comments and i appreciate your knowledge.
Id like to put two propane burners on the back of the cummins part statue im planning on building. so it will heat an area and look badass while doing so.
Im now pondering on the fighter jet idea maybe also out of odd and ends and cummins engine parts... Unveiling the CF-127
Stay safe my friend
From the picture you shown, you have a carpeted flooring. Heat may just caught up the carpet and burn a hole on the carpet if you're lucky. If not, I leave that for your imagination. To answer your earlier comment, no I am fairly new in blogging experience, but those are general marketing knowledge, applies anywhere and everywhere. You don't make advertisement with just the meat. Tell people how the meat is, where it came from, why does it worth that much. Hence, your pay per post are exactly justifiable from the content. I do like your work so far, the only thing I wished is more detail. Why? How? Who? What? When? Where? Like the previous noodle beard piston head, I knew a few of those parts, but the guitar amp, I have no idea what it was originally.
your right it is dangerous, but on the flip side we get free heat. keeping my house at 65 F. Thank you i do try to put my heart and feeling into my post, i will try to provide more detail on my future post. i am still learning and english is not a strong topic. i can build almost anything but sitting down and writing or typing something out is a very difficult struggle for me. We are all still learning. if you don't realize that you will struggle in everything, until you do.