
I have the utmost respect for the brave men and women that have done military service. I don’t have any respect for you at all though.

That is fine. Just keep it for another day then and show respect for those who served. Just this day.

Ok, just for you Private Reid. Left handed salute to you.

Hello... If you are interested in real content about offgrid living created by a real Army Veteran and not some stolen valor fake... Then visit @fixedbydoc and see a real world offgrid living adventure

Ryan, this is NOT the time and NOT the place to bring your hate against me.

I dont care what you think about me in person.

But NOT today. And NOT here.

Why not you bring it all the time, bout time some one put you in your place tard boy...

All you do is lie, everything in your videos and everything you type


Again, please show some respect.

Not on this post.

All comments are about you nothing more you scum sucker. And we have video proof your a scum sucker.

Loved troys stolen DD-214

I served from 1994 to 1998. Trained in Fort Knox, KY and then stationed in FT Hood, TX. Later Friedberg, Germany where I stayed another 9 years after my term was up.

Troy William Reid

2/67 Armor 1st AD Hell On Wheels
1/67 Armor 2nd AD Death Dealers

Anyone can look it up.


oh bullshit, you took the retard bus to a special school, and you expect us to believe that the military actually took you. Thats crap

You need to pass exams to enter and we know your not smart enough to pass.

We have seen you FAKE DD-214 where did you steal it

Was it expensive off E-bay?

Here is a blog I know you will love because it is made by a real Army Veteran and not some stolen valor criminal...

Your a fraud reid, you never served...

only thing you have done is stolen valor from people like Doc.

You should be ashamed of your self pretending to be a vet, renting service uniforms and pretending you served

Get off your fat, lazy butt and look it up for yourself for once instead of worshiping at your god Ryan's feet.

Never just take something as fact from another person.

You may end up looking like a fool

Go ahead. Look it up!!!

Look at all the people that used to watch you on YT and now your the fool, 200+ people can't be wrong about you and your ways.

What does you being a scum sucking sob have to do with your article