Ryan, this is NOT the time and NOT the place to bring your hate against me.
I dont care what you think about me in person.
But NOT today. And NOT here.
Ryan, this is NOT the time and NOT the place to bring your hate against me.
I dont care what you think about me in person.
But NOT today. And NOT here.
Why not you bring it all the time, bout time some one put you in your place tard boy...
All you do is lie, everything in your videos and everything you type
Again, please show some respect.
Not on this post.
You deserve no respect
respect is earned, and we seen your lying, fraudulent ways
Your a fraud and a conman and a e-beggar
pretending to be a vet, you are SCUM
How do you know I'm not a senior warrior?!
I'm pretty introverted.
All comments are about you nothing more you scum sucker. And we have video proof your a scum sucker.