Have you ever wondered if waking during the night is bad for sleep, or if 8 hours is really the ideal sleep time?
Sleep Better: The Science and the Myths by Dr Graham Law and Shane Pascoe is an inside look at sleep from the perspective of two experienced sleep experts. It closely examines 40 popular sleep myths and explains what will really help you get to sleep at night.
Professor Graham Law is one of the UK's most renowned sleep scientists. He is currently a Professor in Medical Statistics at the University of Lincoln, UK and Treasurer of the British Sleep Society. He has more than 25 years research experience focused on sleep and its impact on metabolic and cardiovascular health. Co-author, Dr Shane Pascoe is an Australian practicing Psychologist with 20 years of experience helping people with a variety of issues, including sleep problems. He has worked with the University of NSW and the University of Newcastle and has written for a variety of scholarly journals.
Despite being written by two academics, this book is gentle and fun to read. It is based on recent research into hormonal and brain activity during sleep, and it challenges traditional and cultural beliefs. Although it can be read front to back, the 40 myths format makes it a useful reference book with easy nuggets of information. The topics are simplified but not dumbed-down, which means this book will appeal to most people. Each chapter also has practical and non-judgmental tips for improving your sleep hygiene. This book addresses everyday sleep issues and is not intended for people with moderate to severe sleep disorders.
Sleep Better: The Science and the Myths would make a pleasant (and reasonably priced) gift and could also spark a few interesting conversations around the dinner table.
Thank you! I’ve had my eye on this book and was tossing up to buy it or not! I will purchase it now!
Great to hear!
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