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RE: I am a Recreational Marijuana Marketer Working in Seattle's Legal Cannabis Industry since the begining, Ask Me Anything! #AMA

in #life8 years ago

Marijuana has far more cannabinoids in it than just THC, take CBD for example, arguably the second most popular cannabinoid; CBD is a pain relief at its finest, i would even go so far as to say CBD is more healthy and useful for you than aspirin, without the downsides. I have used CBD oil infused lotions many times on my torn MCL and during recovering it made most of the pain not bother me usually without taking a single pill. Here is some further literature on it:

Don't even get me started out how horrible all these pills are for people, I have had MANY patients/customers who quite literally sell their pills from the doctor and turn around and purchase cannabis and/or cannabis oils with the money.