Being out of your comfort zone sometimes feels like your heart is in the pit of your stomach, maybe at your feet, maybe kicking it along with this immense rush of thoughts.. running, NO, sprinting through your head, like you've just opened the flood gates to the Hoover Dam -"what am i going to do" "How will i do this" or this, the favourite one "What the F%#K have you got me into"
Taking Them First Steps
Whether it's public speaking, driving, meeting people, heights, going to fast or even this, putting yourself out there for all to see.
Competing in this fast past blogging game, reading all the different views and points from "important people" with HUGE followings or a simple opinion post and you read those comments.. .. see the upvotes.. .. Think, YOU could make a really good contribution here!... BUT! You didn't!
It possibly could be the fact that you don't think you have it, or the knowledge, the power or you won't take to the criticism if you "fail"

Give everything you want a crack! Dream BIG!

Great post!

Following you.
Thank you :) I'll follow you back!
I need a blog like yours on my feed :)
Thanks so much! Hope you're having a great day :)
I'm having a really good day thank you ! Freezing my toes off reading up some articles haha. Hope your having a fantastic day :)