I have found myself in a contemplative mood over the last few days. The main reason for this that I am due to have surgery on my left eye this Thursday (1st September) - sorry for constantly bringing it up and being such a wimp.
The surgery is routine and is in some ways self-inflicted - it is due to a complication with having had laser eye surgery last year to correct my vision.
Had I not had that done I wouldn't be in this position (although) I don't regret it. No procedure is without risk and since this is a second procedure the risk is increased. It is even greater because I am also a type I diabetic (on insulin) which slows healing down and makes complications more likely.
My eyesight is very important to me particularly due to my artistic hobbies like photography. Luckily my right eye is absolutely fine at the moment.
Anyway the natural anxiety over this has lead me to be quite introspective and think about life in general. I have been thinking back to some of the the things I have learned and how they might have helped me had I known them when I was younger.
They are in no particular order. I make no apologies for some of them being quite obvious or even the sort of cheesy advice you would read on a greeting card.
So here they are in no particular order:
Money and your career are important but not that important
When I was younger I was (like many kids) convinced that having lots of money would bring happiness. Having the latest Nike Air Jordans and most fashionable clothes, gadgets and the like was a matter of not only pride but vane necessity.
It was only later that I started to realise that whilst money is a necessity for paying bills and the like it is only a tool. Above a certain level of comfort having more money doesn't really equate to being happier. It just equates to being able to have more "things" i.e. possessions.
Depending on how you get the money it can also lead to a poverty of the more valuable commodity which is time.
By similar extension whilst your career should be important it should not be the most important thing in your life. No matter what you do you aren't going to be able to buy yourself more time so don't waste it needlessly going after more money or a better position at work.
It is a kind of Faustian pact where you get the worse end of the deal.
Time is the truly important commodity and sharing it with others is one of the most valuable uses of it.
Following the herd (or shoal) doesn't doesn't pay off
We are all programmed by society and culture to follow what is "normal" and ordinary. This is especially true during those early teen years. Even though we pretend to rebel by picking subcultures like goth, emo, metalhead or whatever this is just a thinly veiled surface level of individuality.
At it's base it is as conformist as anything else and is merely designed to massage our egos whilst still allowing us to be cocooned within the comfort of our own selected "tribe".
Truly great people, the kind that change the world don't follow herds or tribes or anything else. They set their own destiny and forge their own path.
They make the world follow them.
I know what kind of person I would rather be and it isn't one of the sheep.
Follow your own dreams not those of others
This is related to the idea of ignoring "herd mentality". We often have dreams and expectations placed upon us by our family, friends and teachers. I remember once telling one of my teachers that I wanted to be an artist or a film director and being told:
"You are much too clever to waste your life on something like that. You should be a doctor or a lawyer."
It may seem like a complement but these kind of sentiments can be just as damaging as more obviously disparaging ones because they psychologically close down certain options in our lives. One can be made to feel that doing what we want would be letting our family, friends and educators down so we push those things aside and just do what is expected of us.
This ultimately leads to dissatisfaction with our work and our lives. It is much harder to change this in your thirties or later and much easier in practical terms to do it when you are in your teen years and choosing your career.
Paradoxically it seems harder in your teens to say no to the psychological pressure even though it is ultimately your choice.
Self confidence in your own ability to know what you truly want early one pays off in the long term. Don't live your life for other people.
People who agree with you all the time aren't helping you
We naturally like to associate with people who have similar views to us and seem agreeable to us. This is part of human nature. Unfortunately what many of us don't realise when we are younger is that a good friend needs to be honest with us.
Someone who is always a "Yes-man" can actually encourage us to stagnate and reinforce our negative behaviours. It is simply not healthy and it is dishonest. Your best friends are those who tell you the truth and call you out on your bullshit.
Similarly in your work and acedemic life it is important to listen to conflicting opinions. Just reading material that agrees with what you already think prevents you from evolving both from a personal and an intellectual standpoint.
We can see this in modern internet culture where people focus purely on material that agrees with their political or societal opinions.
Ultimately it leads to greater division, polarisation and entrenchment of attitudes.
There is no shame in changing your opinion
To some degree people who have very strong opinions may be respected. It is seen as a sign of confidence.
It could also be a sign of inflexibility and inability to change.
I believe now that life is all about change and evolution. If you stop moving you get left behind.
When I was younger I would stubbornly hold on to opinions and beliefs as a matter of pride. There was a certain amount of machismo behind sticking to your opinions and not conceding to those of others. To change them would be seen as some sort of humiliation.
This is a complete fallacy of course.
To stick to an opinion merely for the sake of not changing is not only foolish it is positively pathological.
Ultimately it means that you do not progress as a person. I now realise there is no shame in changing your position and admitting that you were wrong.
In many ways it is a lot braver because you are sure to get flack from others who are unable to do the same for "flip-flopping".
Cherish your friends and family because you don't know how long you have with them
I found this out the hard way in my early twenties. A friend of mine (let's call him John) who I had been with throughout Junior school went to a different college from me. This was in a different area of the country. Though we often made plans to get together they would often follow through for logistical reasons.
Over time our conversations and meetings became less and less frequent as "life" started to get in the way.
A few years later when I was home from University and I hadn't heard from him in a while I bumped into a mutual friend.
Nothing in my life had prepared me for what I heard next.
A year earlier John had been involved in a minor road accident whilst riding his motorbike. He had fallen off as a result and had received what seemed at the time like a minor knock to his head. Feeling fine he had decided that he didn't need to go to hospital.
Unfortunately for him, that minor knock on his head had ruptured a small artery in his meninges, resulting in a slow but progressive increase in intracranial pressure.
A few hours later he literally dropped dead. He was only 21.
I felt so much guilt.
This friend had been so close, like a brother to me.
He had died so suddenly and I hadn't even known.
I had so many regrets - maybe if we had gotten together before his death it could somehow have changed things just enough to prevent this from happening?
I kept having such thoughts and I still have them from time to time.
I don't think I have every truly gotten over the trauma of this.
You assume that the people you care about and love will always be there just because you can't imagine life without them.
The fact is life is fragile. Nobody knows how long they have to live.
Life and death happen all around us all the time.
Appreciate and spend time with loved ones whilst you can because you never know when that time will be up, either for you or for them.
Your parents and grandparents were young too
One of my teachers at school used to say that -
"When you are young you know everything except your own ignorance."
This is so true. Once we become teenagers we tend to assume we know better than everyone else.
When our parents and grandparents give us valuable advice we tend to ignore it because - what do they know?
We tend to forget that they were once young and had the same kind of hopes and dreams we do. By being further on in their lives and having more experience they can give us a perspective that we lack.
They are a resource that we ignore at our peril.
Never give up on your hobbies and interests
We all know the saying that "variety is the spice of life". We all tend to get pushed for time as we get older and develop more responsibilities.
It is very easy to give up on those simple hobbies that gave us so much pleasure when we were younger.
Whether it was engaging in a particular sport, listening to music, enjoying nature or just travelling we tend to give less importance and priority to these activities.
These kind of activities are very important for recharging our mental energy and helping us to get away from the worries and concerns of life.
One could almost consider them to be like a from of activity based meditation.
I gave up on my art work for many years due to the sheer workload I had during University and then in work.
This was a mistake and it was only through being forced to re-enage with it through ill health that I realised how important and fulfilling a part of my life it was and now still is.
My Final Point: Life is short make sure you actually experience it
As you get older you start to realise how quickly time passes by. We have a tendency to live in either the past or the future, rarely experiencing the present.
Not only does this make time appear to pass more quickly but it also leaves us unable to appreciate what we have at the time only realising it later through the lens of hindsight.
One of the principles of mindfulness is the idea of recapturing and experiencing the moment.
I think we would all do well to follow this idea.
By reconnecting with our momentary existence we can become more aware of our own thoughts, feelings and what we ultimately want.
It can also allow us to readjust our focus on what is important and start to concentrate on it more whilst we still have time.
So many of us simply drift through our lives without the kind of focus this could provide and you don't want to be the person who starts making these kind of observations when it is too late for you to be doing anything with them.
You don't want to end up feeling like you were just a passive bystander or a passenger in your own life.
Thanks very much for reading. I hope you found it useful and interesting.
Do you have any similar things that you wished you had known when you were younger? Please share in the comments below.
This will probably be my last post for a while as I am due to have eye surgery tomorrow and will be recuperating for some days.
If I have time I might put out another post before the operation but if I don't please all take care and I wish you all the best.
You can find more of my work by following me @thecryptofiend - thanks.
at 18 I had scholarships to go to University for computer science, I told my mother I was not going to college because I had no interest in working a 9-5 job. I spent the next few years doing hip hop music and delivering pizza, until I started earning millions online with free stuff web sites and email newsletters
Thanks and I think you are proof it can work out.
Thank you all for your support. I'm back from surgery and I can still see OK with my right eye - but hard to focus as L eye very blurry. Pain is quite bad now so will just rest. Take care everyone:)
You deserve more for this great post. Thank you.
Thanks that is kind of you:)
I wish I knew that if a Jedi gets mad at his wife... it can have very horrible results. And that I should definitely listen to the Emperor who could bring her back. Because he really cares about me. I'm sure he will bring her back any day now. Any day.
I hope he will.
I would add to the list:
You should be buying bitcoin
Guess it depends on how old you are now though :)
Lol. I suppose if you had a time machine you could go back and tell yourself to start mining it in 2009 and buying up as much as you could when it was dirt cheap.
+1 of course !!!
I used to say that there are two people I wish I could talk to .. Albert E. and myself when I was a child. Albert E., not so much anymore, I finally 'got' it. Myself as a child ... think about it almost everytime I see a child ...
At 55, there is nothing I can say to you, that you haven't just said to yourself.
Congratulations, YOU just WON at life !!!
What a GREAT POST !!!!
Good luck tomorrow ! Get well McSoon !
Looking forward to more of your work !
Thank you for your kind words:)
Excellent words of wisdom. My grandfather, who lived to 98, always said, "The hours are long, but the decades fly." As I get older, I see how true that is. Every day is a bonus.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, @thecryptofiend
This post made me happy and than angry, this deserves so much more, why isn't this trending? Why isn't life trending??...aahhh....
Great post man, truly.I wish you the best on your surgery, I've bookmarked this page...
Thanks. It is just luck I think.
This is a very well-written post. Very moving too. Life does move very fast. In my experience it's really the relationships we form that make us happy. I hope your operation is successful.
Thank you. I think you are right. It is the relationships and the people that matter most. Thank you for your kind wishes.
Not only did I find this interesting, it is motivational! Great post! Thank you and best of luck with your surgery !
Thank you glad you enjoyed it:)
I bought a camera for $400 seven years ago, I told the guy I bought it from "yeah, I'm gonna be a photographer" he laughed and said "yeah we all are right?" seven years later and I get paid to travel all over the planet, have photographed in some of the most exclusive venues in the world, get taken in helicopters to the top of mountains (twice this year!), and am moving to Spain next May. It wouldn't mean a thing if I didn't get to do it all with my best friend and wife though, family really is the most important thing, and it's a shame lots of people don't realize that until too late.
Sadly many people don't until it is too late.
Since it is just one eye you have an opportunity here: legitimate pirate eye patch!
thecryptofiend good luck with your surgery
Thank you:)
I do have plenty of things that I'd want to say to my younger self, and I've got a draft of that.. I'll finish it up and make a new post about it.
Introspection is a good habit every now and then, and it's good to take stock every few years.
I completely agree.
Excellent post. Insightful and thought provoking. Thank you for reminding me of a few things! And again all the best for your op. I understand some of your anxieties. I had a laparoscopy a few months ago and was a nervous wreck! Hope your on the mend and back posting soon.
Thank you that is very kind:)
For me it seems evident but people are always surprised when I say it: You should do what you like or something "related " enough . My motto is that whatever you do, some days you will hate it. Doing something you like make you go back faster on your passion and the reason you are doing it. I mean at the end of the day, when you are lying wide awake on your bed, no one is going to be happy for you if you are not happy yourself.
I'm 42 now. I wish I could go back in time and do many things over. Many of the things in life I used to think were important aren't important at all to me now.
I think that is true for many of us.
Going back in time to do things over would make you a different person ... maybe it wouldn't be as good as you think!
Something a lot of us can relate to. Knowing what we know now could have taken us further if we only understood when we were younger. Time is the ultimate teacher.
Wise words:)
If i knew more about women when i was younger it would have helped.
Take care hope your surgery goes well.
Thank you:)
Great contemplative post. I wish you the best on your surgery, friend. Thanks for the sincere thoughts.
OK thank you:)
I wish you the very best of luck dude, I had an eye issue two years ago and the thought freaks the bejesus out of you. You will be grand and posting winky faces on here before you know it
Thank you:)
Wish you the best of luck with the operation! Great post! I upvoted it.
Always Seize an opportunity quickly, as they don't stick around for long!!
Thank you. I completely agree:)
Love the post! Good luck with your surgery - make sure you take all the time you need to let you eye heal properly (no cheating :D ). P.S.: I shared it on my Fb page, my friends will enjoy reading it.
The part about your friend has made me cry...
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Life truly is short.

We must live every day.
I work with teenagers. Sometimes I wish I could do a Vulcan mind meld with them so they can see what I know...
I can imagine.
excellent writing, very interesting @thecrytofiend
Thank you.
Oh man, so nice to see this trending!!! :))
Thanks. My eyes is killing me but I couldn't resist taking a peek.
I can't believe how many times in my life I thought that I was all set and that things would be like this forever. How many times has life lifted me up only to drop me on my ass. However now in my mid 30's I have two little boys and a wonderful wife that make me look back at the hardships and failures of the past, only to realize that without them I wouldn't have my sons or my wife. It all becomes worth it once you obtain all that you ever wanted.
Yep, I think that too. Although I am now 53 and have a wonderful husband! Hard stuff makes the good stuff stand out.
@dodders007 Very true.
@spartyt That's a great philosophy to have.
I was so happy when I was 18. Never heard for word confidence until 25...
Not everyone is the same I suppose.
I guess...
Loving this post these are great fundamentals of life!
WHAT A WONDERFUL ARTICLE!! This is something my friends and I talk about but I have Never gone out and listed. You have given me thinking material for the rest of the night.
Thanks for this. I recently felt pretty shut down by some family members about potential life choices and my lack of direction. Sometimes it's hard to stick with what you feel is best for yourself, because so many others think they know better! I hope your recovery from the surgery is smooth!
I've read a lot of posts on similar subjects but I think this is one of the few ones that I am going to apply to my own life. Thank you for the insightful and honest post!
If I could go back 20 or so years I would have raised my kids differently... I was a good mother but I made my share of mistakes. I should have played with them more and cared less about their homework. Planned more hiking and kayaking and creative activities, fewer tutoring sessions. Baked more, cleaned less. Time flew by when they were young--and I wish I could do it all over again and treasure every single minute of their childhoods.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. My first boyfriend died in a motorcycle accident the summer after we graduated. He was on his way to a friend's after I cancelled a date. I blamed myself for years.
The greatest achievements in humanity have been done by the power of individualism, as you say, you have to build your own road to success even if that includes ignore family sometimes haha great post man! already followed ;)
Congrats on a big hit and also a very good post!
Sorry for your eye surgery, more being photograph. I hope you recover soon, everything if for your good :-)