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RE: Standing in Truth: Despite the SWAT Raid on our Sustainable Community, We Remain Committed to Being the Change We Wish To See In This World

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Why did this happen? Did they ever tell you why other than some idea about drugs? I suppose it is possible someone who didn't like you guys tried make false claims on you. It is horrible.

I think what you saw was the nasty part of human nature in action - I think it could be seen as prejudice against people living an alternative lifestyle. If you don't conform to what some people see as normality it can get you into trouble and that is sad.

You are lucky nobody was hurt but I'm sure you know that. Thank you for sharing.


We are very thankful no one was hurt - there is a statistic that says you are 8 times more likely to die in a SWAT raid than in a terrorist attack.

After the SWAT team left, the code compliance officers came in and gave us thousands of dollars of fines for things like "grass is too high" and "improper use of an electrical cord" and "indoor furniture used outside". We suspect it was possibly an attempt to drive us away from this land so the nearby golf course and housing addition can expand, and/or that our 5-acres-away neighbors didn't like our "improperly stacked firewood".

A lot of sustainable communities/eco villages have been coming under attack in recent years. Though it could be in relation to your proximity to the golf course, I think it a lot more likely that you were targeted due to your success.

The governments of the world have worked hard to make their citizens dependent on them for survival. It's how they are able to take so many liberties, because they know that the system they have built is not easy to escape for the average person. Most haven't even entertained the thought of living outside of their system of governance because they do not think it possible, but success stories like yours can prove to be a problem for those currently in power.

The more people that learn about what you guys and many others are doing, the more people that will want to abandon the system entirely. They cannot have that, for then the system they have created will fail, so it's better to shut down as many of these self-sustaining communities before others catch on and follow in their footsteps. Hats off to you for standing your ground, I'm sure it must have been a stressful situation for all of you.

@son-of-satire---EXACTLY!!! They can't have empowered people, that messes up their entire plan. But alas, they are doing it to themselves. The truth always prevails. Love is on our side!

Hear hear!!

-You got raided because some neighbor attached with the Million dollar richy rich golf club down the road doesn't like how you live.... They made up some stories about you growing pot and hording guns, the stupid people in the Police Department probably sent some rookie cop to investigate your property and noticed more people than he could handle, so he went back to the station with some bullshit about seeing marijuana.
Since GUNS were mentioned, this prompted a swat team invation.
When they realized they droped the ball and fcked up, they wrote you the sitations to somehow make themselves not feel soo fcking stupid.
END OF STORY.@son-of-satire - Stop the fear bullshit, so much generalities in what you just said I want to puke all over you.

I'm sorry this happened, but it really only takes a couple complaints about guns and drugs to peak police interest, and then another retarded cop (there are plenty of those, the requirements for police officers is 2years community college, what a joke!) to be scared stupid of getting killed while checking out your property full of shirtless people.

Fear bullshit? What are you talking about? If what I wrote was enough to make you afraid, then you really ought to man up. There is no need at all for your hostile tone, nor your arrogant postulations.
I merely stated what I think it may have been, and I have a lot of very good reasons for thinking as such. You speak as if what you're saying is fact when you have no way of knowing what the fuck you are talking about. Just because you have a naive perspective on the world, do not presume that it is a good idea to try and force your own opinions on to others, especially in such a despicable manner.
The next message that you direct to me will be a lot more polite or it will be ignored.

Yes that could be a motive - I would not be surprised - if there are wealthy people behind the development they may have pulled some strings. This kind of thing has happened before in the UK too.

As @son-of-satire points out, it is becoming unfortunately way too common.

Sadly yes. The authorities seem to be becoming more heavy handed all the time.

We would not be surprised either, @thecryptofiend. Sucks that the world has come down to that!! This is why it is so important that we stand together. We are power in numbers.

I believe they also wanted to make a statement--one of those that instills fear in others to keep them hushed and under control. Gratefully this backfired on them and the world got to see the City of Arlington for who they really are. The release of this SWAT information went viral and people from all over the world now know about us which has only made us stronger. So grateful for truth to be revealed and that love and light reign supreme. We are grateful everyday for this next breath. Thank you for your comment @thecryptofiend.

You're welcome. It is important that this kind of overreach and intimidation is publicised. Also love your dignified and non-violent stance - the contrast is stark. I don't think I would have that self control and it would just be playing into their hands.

I agree. Once people can see the ridiculousness of this tyranny we can ban together and stand for change. That is why the @gardenofeden exists--to show possibility. We were extremely peaceful which totally took them off guard as they were expecting to encounter terrorists! What a surprise they had in store. We've had a couple of Arlington Police apologize to us for the behavior of the City. There is still hope!!!

Absolutely. Non-violence can shame people into seeing sense sometimes. There is always hope.

Yes there is!!! The more we wake up and stand together, the more powerful we become. There is no time like the present.