
I'm more in favor of ending rule by force.
When our gov't stops setting the example that violence is perfectly legitimate in the pursuit of one's goals we will stop seeing people emulate them.
The first lesson we learn as kids is to do as we are told because, violence.
Until we reject rule by bullying those weaker than us, violently lashing out will remain as the only viable option for the powerless/hopeless.
So, yeah, doing nothing is not an option, carry your gun everywhere and maybe you can stop one of these tragedies in it's tracks.

Thanks for the link. That is an interesting perspective. In many ways I have similar feelings in that I think at the very least everyone should be taught self defence - if I was allowed to carry a gun in England I'm not sure if I would but I would certainly learn to use one just in case.

Ya'll's cultural conditioning is very different than ours, ya'll never rebelled against your queen and threw of your parasitical masters, therefore you have never learned what freedom was nearly like.
We, at least, had it where the long arm of the law's thugs couldn't force us to comply.

I wouldn't advocate introducing guns into Europe, either.

Were it not for the gun culture keeping the vultures off us we wouldn't have what little freedom we still have left.
Those that rule by force couldn't beat us on the field of battle, so they moved the frontlines to our minds.
We are just now starting to free ourselves there, as well.

Yes I think people are slowly waking up to the control and manipulation. Steemit is a part of that.