
btw thx for your open dialog. It is always refreshing to have a dialog. Why do you think the right to bear arms is important?

I believe in freedom and having the ability to protect yourself. I don't think for a minute that it would ever become a reality here it is just too far against the culture but I think in a civilised society we should be able to discuss possibilities. Thank you for your sensible input:)

Yes I am aware of the logical argument. But it does not add up to me. If we think this out then everyone should run around with a gun and because everyone is then at risk of being shot by everyone else, everyone should just shoot each other, as to avoid being shot themselves.

Another way of looking at this is simply to compare countries that have no crime vs some that do. It's just much safer in countries without guns.

I think it is also perfectly fine to want guns. Many americans do and that is their right. It just comes with killings and crime, since that is the purpose of guns. What is illogical to me in the US is the outcry when kids get shot and the wish to have legal guns.

If we think this out then everyone should run around with a gun and because everyone is then at risk of being shot everyone else, everyone should just shoot each other, as to avoid being shot themselves.

I'm not sure that necessarily follows though.