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RE: A Short Guide To Diabetes For the Regular Person

in #life8 years ago

It's obvious you didn't offer anything besides what's commonly accepted notions of "treatment". No hope or prospect for cure?

Did you even read what I wrote because to me it sounds like you didn't?

  1. I never said diabetes drugs don't have side effects.
  2. Your tone suggests you have a basic agenda that all drugs are bad and your sources are at best highly suspicious.
  3. I never said there was no prospect for a cure.

I wonder what your thoughts on the medical field advocating the philosophy of non-violence (first do no harm) in stark contrast throwing drugs after drugs at the symptoms with known side effects and spitting in the face of the father of medicine's tenants “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” and "The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it".

Great I've never met you before in my life and yet you seem to be acting like you know me. Prevention is always better than treating after development of disease but this kind of argument does not help people who already have problems.

Further how would this attitude help people like me who need to take insulin?


Nope, you didn't. Had you say that they do though... But you didn't say they have side effects, and you didn't say that they don't, so yes, you omitted the side effects, You, not me, you didn't say they DO have side effects. Argue that again please.

It is clear you are aggrieved about something but that is not my problem.

It's caused by weak immune system, the solution is to treat insulin deficiency then, in spite of the cause being identified as possibly a weakened immune system, the treatment has not changed, it's still going after symptoms.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. I'll just leave it at that.