THIS IS NOT A DRILL~ Power out in All of Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and parts of Mexico!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Earlier today, something happened.

Going about our day, we noticed, hey the power is out. Next, cellphones, oh wait none of us have cellphones?! Internet? NO!!!!!! We are disconnected. I was in the jungle with one of my best brothers walking around cutting down the jungle with machetes!
Jokingly talking about how it could be the apocalypse and we wouldn't know. At that moment we didnt realize out of our little bubble we were closer than we imagined. Almost the entirety of Central America was without power!!! We drove into town, nothing was open and handt been since the morning. The only market that was open on its tiny generator, enough to run the registers only. Lines extended out the door......
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What Local Costa Rican Officials Had to Say!

"ICE is trying to diagnose the problem," said Communications Minister Mauricio Herrera, referring to the office by its Spanish acronym. He said that workers succeeded in restoring power to some areas of Costa Rica.
ICE said that the origins of the blackout were outside of the country and urged the public to remain indoors while they try to fix the problem.In Panama, the ETESA government power authority said via Twitter that the nation had experienced just a "partial blackout" and that workers were trying to restore power to the affected areas.The blackout in Panama occurred about 15 minutes into a major speech delivered by President Juan Carlos Varela to the country's legislature.


You can bet we are headed to stock up the rest our reserves. This was a test. Our local company has no idea what happened, and to see it extend over all these countries. We were already joking about being prepared. This was proof of concept. Airports were shut down, luckily my friend who was supposed to catch her flight accidentally booked it wrong. She would have been able to go no where. Gridlock and none of the systems were open or online. Considering our thoughts while we had no idea what was going on wasn't actually far off is incredible. We are now going to prepare for these events more often. Waiting to hear what they think it was. This was proof of how little time it would take before everything was in total disarray!

This is proof of why we live in the jungle with a greenhouse, solar, water storage, and believe it or not, we have about a months supply of back up food always here in reserve. We will be doubling down on it now!

We even checked in with friends @anahilarski & @hilarski Panama Was out, Friends who are not on steemit confirmed in their areas of Mexico, we are waiting to hear messages from the friends we have on columbia!

Thank you for following along our journey with the Arcane Bear!

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TIjo @thearcanebear ~ Thank you for following along in our journey. We appreciate you!

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Thanks for relaying the news. We probably won't even hear about on the main "news" stations in the States. It will be interesting to see if they even try to put forth a lame excuse as to the cause.

I spent 3 months in Costa Rica during college. Stay safe, my friend.

Crazy to see regular services go down.. food in refrigerators going bad. Stores doors closed. It happpened so fast. We got a lil safe spot for wahtsver happe s

Please keep posting on the reactions of people and the progression. It would be a good study on human nature.

Panama has too many malls and they are "eating" energy like crazy. I don't know the reason in other countries.

We were at the mall when it happened. It lasted about an hour. I thought it was due to the downpour we were having.

It was the first time in 10 years all of Costa Rica had no power! And we run entirely on solar, wind and hydro electric. How the heck did that happen?! I am assuming we send some of our electricity to Panama too,... we were all day, airports locked up and everything! just crazy. I was so glad my local place my face acts as currency and I can get a tab, i only had card while I was out... wtf

I was wondering if it had anything to do with the things I have been hearing about randsomewear attacks. Something to that effect feels right. ITs also very fitting with Mercuries aspects to Pluto.

not sure, it will take the next few days to hear the "official story" our community is the first line responders, no other info than we went down really! and so did many countries

Up here, as I'm sure you know, e-transfer was down for a few days. Not sure if it's back up yet as I seldom use it but I do know people were stressed because their money was in limbo.

They are testing the lines of connection. It seems like these are drill test, much like they were running anti terrorist drills on for intercepting hijacked planes on 9-11, just in the wrong part of the country.

Stay woke brother bear! Thank you for reporting

Thanks brother, get the news out there! with any luck we can rank for people searching for that too haha

Ha, I am telling you man nothing will surprise me in this world. Great that you prepare and always be. Like I always say your circus your monkey the other way your life your needs. Thank you for sharing have a good one.

Our pleasure, we are making sure our supplies here could last three months, probably 300$ in supplies in rice and oil with everything we have growing to make it thorugh rough patches, we have solar and 10,000 litres of water and a artiasn well fed by gravity

that sucks, but lucky for you guys, sounds like you should be safe in your little "fortress"!

Officials at the Costa Rican Institute for Electricity said power was disrupted throughout the entire country. ICE said that the origins of the blackout were outside of the country and urged the public to remain indoors while they try to fix the problem.

Yeah, we are set, yet, its just me and the puppy, not really how we wanted to get stuckup here was alone! haha. Me and him would drop into survival mode fast.

The three #10 cans of Mountain House freeze dried meals I ordered arrived just in time I guess. Apparently all five well pumps servicing West Hawaii have broken down at the same time and it will be a week before they can fix the primary well. Getting super prepped for a crazy 4th !

Damn, they are testing shit all over, The interact lines in Canada have been down for two days, and this is how many people pay for mortgagues, electrity and the like, send and recive money.... Lines are tripping all over the world right now! Thanks for the Hawaii updates!

Oh my goodness!!!

Sharing to get the word out! Thank You for this heads up!

As soon as the internet came back online, it was time to check, and we werent the only ones! it was time to share, fast as possibe, get the news out

I read about a few different countries and cities that Russian operatives hacked the power grid . Do they know what caused this?

The story thats coming out I have seen is that because all these countries are interconnected, Panama used a bbunch more than it was supposed to brining the entire grid down, but we are still waiting more sources to see the larger story! as it included so many countries, none of which have a large mainstream media source, or are even that able to communicate with eachother easily!

wow, is it back on yet? That's quite a state of emergency I'm sure.... Hope everything is ok

yeah, we came backonline within the 12 hour mark! but there are reports of it having been from a solar flare surge now! looking out for worsesingn situations over the next what... 20 years?

ouch. sounds scary but it also sounds like your prepared. Good for you and keep fighting the good fight :)

very good. vote

Great, thank you, following you now too!

We're in Puerto Vallarta. No outages here, yet... Glad you're prepared! We are, too! :)

nice, yeah I am assuming it would be southern mexico, I beleive Costa Rica provides them with electricity!

It has began.... prepare yourself

Something happened, enough for us to take note! Especially cause we were joing aboutit while hacking through the jungle

This life is a strange thing, so much shit happening, you have to be a soldier and be ready for anything.... make sure that you have the basics covered

Thats the truth, a warrior in a garden is how we have been preparing!

I guess time to sell coins and buy gold, what do you think? :)

physical silver, yep. Stock up and bitcoin! Once the sytem comes back online, bitcoin will be the global currency we beleive

Thank you for giving us a heads up! Internet service has been messing up also for about two weeks. I wonder if it is related?

Hard to say, these seem to be bumpy times. Interac in Canada isnt working and thats how a lot of people pay their bills ect...

Not sure but it's been worse than I have ever seen it.

Where are you located and who is your service provider?

It is better today. I am unsure of the provider's name. We are in Western Oklahoma

Ping 13 ms download 6.79 mbps upload .37 mbps

good down streem speed, but upload is slow.

Like I said, it's better today than it has been in two weeks or better

I redid it and now the ping is 205 ms download 5.70 mbps upload .37 mbps

I can't even imagine how scary that was!
I am glad that you and yours are safe!

Wow, I'm glad to see y'all had backup food! I can't believe the power went out in that many areas. It just goes to show always be prepared and have generators/power nearby. Be safe!

Re steeming because this is something the world must know

Few countries lost all power at same time?
Look pretty weird thinking they all on separate sources... American attack..?
Hope you are well guys... Thx for sharing all those news... Already shared it ;)
Happy sunday!

In Honduras we have blackouts a couple of times a week, this is normal in Central America, the power companies always come out with some explanation or other, but be assured this is nothng new, by the way in Honduras at least where I live there were no outages yesterday, so this no acopalypse.

you didnt listen or read the article did you hahah. of course a blackout is normal, but not in all 8 coutnries at once.. silly. hahaha pay attention to what we write before you comment please! this is unprecedented and has never happened before, its not just like the power went out ahhaa jeez

Come on the energy network in Central America is interconnected, each country gives power to everyone else, and sometines the grid overloads. I have lived here 55 years this is something that happens all the time. "ICE said that the origins of the blackout were outside of the country " so there go your assumptions Costa Rica is powered by hydro, solar and wind, it isn't, Panama also is connected to this grid. Then I see a comment from a person in Puerto Vallarta, no blackout there, I searched for blackouts in Mexico, nothing, you know why? Because this is normal. Maybe ICE and it's Panama counterpart want to increase their prices, that's the major conspiracy we have in Central America.

and yes. we run off solar wind ect, yet we supply power to many other countries and are all interconnected, thats why we all went down. my entire home here is on solar, I still had power,

It is completely interconnected, all countries in CA give and receive energy, now I have 2 questions, was it 8 or 6 countries? make up your mind. And the other one is, can you speak Spanish? I am actually more comfortable writing in Spanish.

hey, im done talking to you, you dont deserve any of my time, My last suggestion to you. Is if you perfect to write in Spanish, WRITE THE REST OF YOUR POSTS IN SPANISH FROM NOW ON... NONE OF THEM ARE WRITTEN IN SPANISH,,, you are full of your own nonsense.

See again, I have not once said anything negative about you, I commented on your article, looks like you have some anger issues. Y si, hablo mejor en Español que en Ingles, lo he hablado desde que comence a hablar, al escribir si tengo problemas con los acentos pero eso no es tan importante, no escribo muchos articulos en Español porque en Steemit el idioma comun es el Ingles.

Do some more research, also i said parts of mexico, southern parts! jeezus. So no, this isnt normal, I have lived in central america for 10 years....

it was the entire country of Costa rica, and others, your being silly, who are you arguing for the governments and the crumbling infrastructure? Pay attention, i never said it was the apocalypse, you cant skim read shit and come up to your own ideas. I noted that how quickly the systems broke down, no internet, no phones, no cellular, all the companies here shut down, fridges at grocery stores with food going bad in only a matter of hours.

"Almost the entirety of Central America was without power", so Costa Rica and Panama are almost all of Central America? These blackouts have been going on for years, what is happening is all of these governments, all of them neo-liberals have wanted to privatize the energy sector for years, but most of the population don't want that because it just means price increases. Podes hablar Español? Con diez años me imagino que si.

yes, read the friggen articles dude! 6 countires without power... out of how many in central america. and it may not have been the entire country and some for less time than others. The point I was making was how fast infastructre for everyday survival like the just in time system would collapse. Great, privatized energy at a time when everything else is failing, your head is in the same clouds as theirs. Mine isnt

"Our country entered into this interconnection project at the time of the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) and we interconnected 15 power grids from six countries. With a length of 1800 kilometers.

However, this Saturday, July 1, 2017, it appears that a fault originated outside the national territory, in SIEPAC (Central American Electric Interconnection System) line, has caused a regional blackout. SIEPAC is an interconnection of the electricity networks of 6 countries of Central America. That is why today’s blackout affects not only Costa Rica, but also several countries. Carlos Obregón, Executive President of ICE, explained that the ruling was due to an excess"

You are looking at the wrong highlights and specifics. Im not CNN here homie! Go watch your regular news casting if you wanna be a nit pick and go back to FB

Go ahead and call me a fanatic, I dont give a shit. Go your own way. You obviously are doing great at.. you lived there for 55 years you say? and umm what do you do? ok great. leave the kids alone and find someone your own age to talk to stupid politics with. your comment is outdated as you seem to be, stay relevant and focus on the important idea, we pull the plug and society is in dissarry in hours.

I called you a fanatic? I haven't only lived here 55 years, I am a Honduran who is 55 years old. I don't like politics, I don't watch TV, and the only reason I am commenting on what you say is because I know this is no conspiracy it is part of every day life in Central America. I have disagreed with your comment why do you get upset? If I couldn't take commentaries that are contrary to my way of thinking I wouldn't comment.

I live in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. We have power here. There have been LOTS of protests because the power company was bought by some big corporation from another country( I don't remember the details and don't want to make them up)

BUT- I do know when it happened, our power bill has tripled over the last 6 months.

So, I have been expecting some kind of retribution as the citizens get louder and louder; blocking roads, protesting mayors homes and up the line of govt. There has been protests somewhere each week since it happened, it is only a matter of time before they ALL go to the presidential palace.

If you have lived in C.A for long enough, you start to see how powerful the people are when it comes to how they are treated locally. Keep me updated please, I want to check in with some friends in C.R, El Sal. and Honduras.

Kindest Regards- stay safe

wowo, everything is back online here, thanks for the heads up on the lake, we used to live there

Cool, which side?

I will follow you, I see you and I think a lot alike as to why we prefer the freedom of a place like this.

IF you make it back up to Atitlan or Antigua, hit me up. I can be a useful resource in many cities and towns in this region. Feel free to drop in for a High!!

Sounds grat, we will work on making a trip to visit the hotsprings at the lake soon. Maybe in a week or two....... I was living in Tzununa for a few years. Than moved down into Costa Rica, actually, yeah, I could use some hot springs, maybe I will come out in a week before I go back down to Panama....

I can take you to an unknown Volcano heated Vapores in Xela if you want.. it is way off the beaten trail and literally they walled the volcano up so the bricks glow red in the back room...

It is near the hot springs there so we always do both. It is an off road 4x4 ride to get to the family vapor rooms..


I didn't visit ever there, i hope i can

Its a gorgeous place we are glad to be able to rest our head and plant some roots! Thanks for the look outs!

Also, Equador is South of Columbia, in South America. I know that the power from Colombia probably could not get cables through The Darién Gap. Where are you getting the info on Mexico which is in North America?

I just reached out to people in all 3 continents to see what kinds of issues they were having.

The issues were apprently only souther parts of mexico near guatemala, where the entire grid is still interconencted a lot of norther mexico gets power from th USA gridline

Here is an interesting article published today about what probably happened.

nice yeah, the news is pointing towards something that had happened in Panama. thanks for the heads up!

This was the result of a solar storm. This short video describes what happened yesterday in Central America.

@thearcanebear thank you for your quick reporting. We were crippled over here in the Caribbean.

Yeah I hear now that it went out all the way to Cuba and a few others. Simply amazing and fascinating to see some of this stuff happen. WoW

Yes, I live in Costa Rica and was right in the midst of the outage myself. So you think this was just the beginning? Should I upgrade my eatable garden?

Yesterday I have seen many happy families on the streets, coming out of their homes. It was a great atmosphere. Of course I don't want to find out what happens when the light turns out for a month.

Yeah, we arent sure if it will get worse, more so, the premise that we had mentioned many times before, just how quickly the Just in time delivery system would fail if you lost electricity or money on any continent. It dosent take long before it all starts to fall into total disarray! Where abouts in Costa Rica are you/.

I live in Heredia, in San Jose de la Montaña.

I hope you don't mind that I also wrote about this, since I wanted to do so since yesterday. I linked to your profile and article as well as to Christina's video about the solar flare.

At first I thought the grid might got hacked. But a solar flare sounds very reasonable as explanation to me. Still, it fits into the grand scheme of what potentially might happen during the next few years.

Of course! News is partially opinion and timing! Glad we can all share a topic! makes it more relevant, and it was an important one. Big for us to all go out like that ! Thank you for the support! Hope your evening is great.

It's all good, light is on and Steemit works. ;)

haha yes, today, is a day we are alive and connected! to many more! hopefully

I am sure I will live a full life and look back at all the panic during our life time and just smile about it. And then, when I pass on to the next realm, it will all come to me and I will be like AAHHHHH, so that's how it actually is. ;)

I tell my friends to prepare for the day when their fiat currency no longer buys anything. Part of that advice is that they need to prepare for the day when all systems are offline. I do not want to depend on electricity or the grid in any way to survive. That's one reason I always live near mountains and forest.