Take It From Me, No Dinner For 2nd Place

in #life4 months ago

Serving Up Seasons of Experience

On the way to dinner, with my lady’s father and her grandmother, I find time to pluck thoughts from the myriad swimming within my mind. There’s often so many unrelated things to bring up.

For one, I hunger. If health is wealth, then the choice to invest in a visit to the gym yesterday set the tone for the month. We’re getting more and more active, and I’m happy to share that. I may not ever look like an American wrestler or European tennis player, but I’m satisfied. I rather move it than lose it- no matter the case.

That’s what inspired my latest trade, too. “Move it or lose it.”

Holding onto something for 5+ years reflects my execution more than the asset’s performance. That and other related topics came up as I stayed up past my bedtime regaling a friend about the rules of trade execution. I may not have agreed with his perspective but learning from what he had to say was fulfilling. Sometimes, I just feel like he hasn’t the slightest backup for what he says.

And I don’t like to play like that. There’s enough I don’t know, enough trying to inform and misinform me, that I rather read about something or two to make a decision- even if it ends up wrong in hindsight. At least I wasn’t ignorant.

Information’s the name of the game. Now that I’m making another conviction play, I hope information will be my voice of reason when folks are at the end of their belief. Maybe I’m a fool since I’m finally learning from experience, but that doesn’t mean I won’t make more mistakes. But I’m done with fools who won’t learn from others or their own experiences.


‘If you don’t know who you are fooling, that fool is probably you’
Congrats on hitting the gym

I like that. Thanks for leaving me a message. Also, I didn’t expect that congrats for going to the gym would hype me up, but it did. Thanks man.