I Am Who I Am

in #life2 months ago

I don't think I could change who I am for anyone. I say that as I realize, I continue some habits into the new year, despite using it as a point in which I could change. I say that I could not change for others, because the truth is I could only change, for myself.

I would enjoy much less if I behaved like others, I feel. I see people make excuses or distract themselves, a great number of things that keep them from behaving as they truly want. I have gone with the flow before. I have given up. I have failed and lost, plenty times too. Yet, when I am alone or with others, when the music plays loud or I can hear the sound of my breathing, I think I could do whatever it is I wish. And that separates me from a large majority of people. They laugh it off, like my tongue is in my cheek, a glib comment from a funny guy. They don't know, that I'm dead serious.

I will change my life. It will be slow. Hard and unforgiving, like the asphalt you meet when you fall off your bike, things come and go. I may bleed and cry. It may sting and emotions swell up in my throat. Still, I will change my life.

I'm enjoying the writing of Joe Sugarman at the moment. His words gave me insights to a breakthrough I want to use for my personal business. I'm also enjoying the literature of Hyrum Smith. Say what you will about faith, the man Hyrum W. Smith wrote an excellent piece of literature, in part I believe due to the steadfastness of his religion.

I hope that I become even a fraction as resilient as him, reading his work.


This computer has very little of my photographic work, so for the time being, enjoy photos I've taken.