Well, I do think religions are an interesting topic and pretty important currently since they seem to be involved in the current wars.
Christianity has their good sites as well and I appreciate religion as some sort of moral code and tool for self-improvement. If you look at many popular political youtubers like Sargon of Akkad, they remind me a lot of religious priest/preachers.
Even our friend @dwinblood sees his mission in preaching the NAP which is essentially a moral code. I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing to get a moral basis for humans to act as a group, however to build your Utopia on the believe that you can convert everyone to your beliefs, is the foundation of empires and mainstream religion that I am generally not a fan of.
What is NAP?
Not this I'm guessing:
Network Access Protection (NAP) is a Microsoft technology for controlling network access of a computer
Or this:
xD. Non Aggression Principle, the holy golden rule for many anarchists.