Hi Steemians!
You know that everyone has their own business for them to mind. So far I've been minding my own business. This is the reason why I'm not active so much like before on steemit. But still, I try to be active in this platform.
I know it's bad for myself, but I gotta do those things. I work from morning to afternoon in a day, and by the night I teach computer for young learners.
In my office, I used to be able to be more active in Steemit when there's no job. But this new year, we have so many jobs to do in the office.
But still right, we have to do it in real life. Well, if I'm success in Steemit, I'd probably stop working and I'd focus on Steemit by sharing about journey and photography. Sadly, I'm far from success, but one day who knows, right!
Right now, I've spend my 10 SBD for powering up. I've powered up. I'm glad, maybe this is the first step, I just need to work harder in this platform.
I'd like to thanks to all of contest maker, whether it's music, story, films, my2018, Positivity, and so on. Because of those contest I can reveal my skills, I get rewards, appreciated, and credits. Next time I will join more contest, I don't hope to be the winner, I just love to participate.
Thank you for reading this nonsense,.
regards @teukudianaulia
Where Is This Challenge: Here is my recent challenge post. See if you can guess the location and win 0.1 SBD.

wow thanks, I'll check that soon