Putin - Dictator who seized the country!

in #life7 years ago

March 18 this year for Russia can be a turning point in history because on this day the presidential election will be. Most sensible people will be voting against Putin! In Russia - mess and lawlessness! The words "state" and "crime" have long become synonymous!

But many will ignore it... people are just desperate to get justice and enforcement of laws, but they tired of the "circus"! For the past 18 years evidence of forgery of elections and falsifications of results, thousands have accumulated! The phrase "fair elections" causes only sadness!

the inscription reads - God's dew. Putin - they believe!

No matter how strong the agitation is and how much times the world media call Putin the leader of Russia - that's not so! Let's discard my personal opinion and emotions and turn to the pure facts...

The first term of Putin as the elected president began in the faraway 2000. Immediately began "castling" in the apparatus of management, but elections are too difficult and something can go wrong... so in 2004, Putin began to rewrite the constitution and laws as it was necessary for him!

From 2004 half of the members of the Federation Council began to be appointed by the governors, in turn, appointed by the president. Very convenient, is not it? There was no question of what the opposition could do! And if you consider the fact that in December 2003 the pro-presidential Political Party received a constitutional majority... the existence of a political opposition itself as the counterweight to the unpunished rewriting of the constitution and infringement of the rights and freedoms of citizens - has become equal to zero! In early 2007, 70 out of 86 governors were members of the pro-presidential Political Party - the party of power. The State Duma consists of anyone, but not economists, lawyers, or top-managers! In general, it is characteristic for Putin to appoint friends and acquaintances to key posts of state administration.

Members of the party of power - top managers of large industrial enterprises, heads of state universities, 95% of governors, judges. By the way, recently passed the law that judges can drive a car while intoxicated and the police have no right and legitimate reason to oppose it!

Freedom of speech / freedom of the media deserves special attention... independent mass media under Putin closed down or the owner changed (surely someone from Putin's former colleagues from KGB / FSB), undesirable journalists were killed. Reporters sans frontières (RSF) accused Putin of obstructing objective coverage of opposition demonstrations, suppressing independent media.

According to the Russian Constitution, one person can only be president for two consecutive terms. Therefore, the people hoped for the 2009 elections. But everything turned out the way the oligarchs needed - the president was "honestly chosen" - Dmitry Medvedev. The head of Putin's administration... his pawn. Dmitry Medvedev - the figure that becomes a meme. After the expiration of 4 years, Putin returned to the post of president. The Opposition Parties provided a lot of video evidence of the fraud of the elections, but since all of the most important government positions are occupied by persons appointed by Putin, they officially announced that the video is not sufficient pieces of evidence.

Moods in the country show that people are tired of deceit and lies, tired for a long time. Putin forgives billions of debts to other countries, but forgets about internal problems! Laws prohibit unauthorized demonstrations and protests, but the official permission is either not given, or given with random violations of the regulations, and after the beginning of the protesters the police begin arrests. In addition, in 2016 Putin formed the "RosGuardia"... This unit has the authority to kill men, women, children... to break into houses and apartments without a court decision! In parallel, there is a tightening of rules for owners of hunting weapons. Let me remind you that you cannot have short-barreled weapons in Russia. Of course, all these unfavorable changes in legislation are covered up by "the fight against terrorism". But even to a child is clear that those who use weapons illegally in no way affected by these laws!

Back in 2004-2005, one of the politicians wrote about Putin:

The alarming signals and monstrous consistency -

  • The changing of the national anthem
  • The system of one political party
  • The obedient parliament
  • The primacy of statehood over man
  • The merging of state structures with business, especially the criminal
  • The return to state historiography, that is rewriting of history to the interests of the authorities
  • The absence of truly independent courts

As for the economy, hmm... TV constantly joyfully informs people about how much better we began to live. There is a joke on this subject:

Experts report that the standard of living is improving continuously!
People say it's getting worse!
But they are not experts...

Already in 2010, the petition "Putin must leave" was published! Independent investigations are constantly published with evidence of the corruption of Putin and his retinue, but we return to the fact that all serious positions in the state are occupied by people appointed by Putin.

In 2014, the Project for the Investigation of Corruption and Organized Crime (OCCRP) called Putin a "man of the year" OCCRP. According to OCCRP, this was facilitated by the "unrivaled achievements of Russian President Vladimir Putin in turning his country into the largest world center for laundering criminal money.

Prices for all groups of goods are constantly growing. The road tax increases because the price of gasoline has risen and then the cost of gasoline increases because it became more expensive to transporting 'cause the road tax increased :( At the same time - oil falls in price or rises - there is no difference - the prices are only up!

Putin's support. Yes, there are those who believe that Putin can lead Russia to success and everyone will live like in a fairy tale! But, excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, 18 years for this was not enough? Also widespread is the statement - "Everyone can make a mistake, but under Putin, we do not have a war! It is most important!"... Let them tell this story to those who flew from Syria into coffins! And of course, I cannot pass by the topic of the Olympic Games. What is it, if not a cold war? Plus, all these sanctions against Russia, a trade embargo... in the end, the damage is done to people, not to Putin! I do not know what would happen if Putin becomes president again, the country is on the verge of...

Sincerely, Terry Craft.

A part of data taken from wiki

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4


Putin might not be the best president, though I commend him for defending his country from all pressures imposes by the western world. :)

Unfortunately my friend. This story is universal. Just told by different people, in different lands under different rulers. But most if not all so-called leaders are the same.

Hi every body

I am iraniran.

We see Putin in whole univers.
We compare him with other leaders. We think Putin is one of the best leaders of the world.

It's sad...

Absolutely true! These are facts! Quite informative. Thanks for sharing.
Great Job 👌 😎

a collapse? A revolution?

As you have pointed out Putin seem to have the machinery(constitution) in place to avoid any of such scenarios. The viable solution would be for the masses to vote en masse a new leader, to achieve a common goal.

When people in power terrorize they forget the day they will die. He should read more about history of those like him and learn

Все равно всякие старухи и любители выжигателя мозгов пойдут голосовать за 500 рублей, или пакет просроченной гречки. Госслужащих под страхом увольнения или чего похуже заставят пойти на выборы и отчитаться.
Ходят сейчас всякие уроды по квартирам, спрашивают фамилии и сколько в квартире человек живёт. Ещё и названивают. Готовятся.

"1984" Оруэлла в действии. Скоро так же будут инакомыслящих привязывать , и надевать на голову клетку с голодной крысой, и пока не услышат фразу о любви к фюреру, будут открывать дверцы, позволяя крысе подбираться ближе и ближе к глазам.

Прям в точку! Ощущение, что некоторых босиком по снегу на расстрел будут вести, а они остануться довольны этим пиз***ом, который творится!

Its not a easy thing to put away a dictator leader because to him he has the country in his grasp it will take a nation ready to sacrifice just any thing even their lives for revolution to take place.. I really love this piece well done @terrycraft

A bunch of bs.
Putin is no dictator, but a popularly elected leader of Russia and one of the best leaders of the world.
One of the best in Russian history.
Those who call Putin a dictator simply have no respect for people of Russia who elected and support him.

are you from Russia, to write this crap?

You are the one writing crap and yes I am from Russia.
Вот так.

Ну так расскажите мне любезный, кому на Руси жить хорошо? А то пустой трёп - "Путин - лучший" никаких фактов не несёт в себе.

Трёп, это называть Путина диктатором и не уважать выбор миллионов граждан России.
Путин не идеален, но лучшего лидера у страны не было давно.

Ясно-понятно, сказать вам нечего. А вот вы категорически неправы! Или может быть доказательств подлога выборов в сети не видели? Тот кто нарушает Конституцию есть никто иной как диктатор! Это отнюдь не качество лидера! А что есть выдвижение Путина на третий срок подряд? Нарушение Конституции! А Конституция - защита прав и свобод граждан... дык ежели она не соблюдается, так что говорить об остальном? За сим не вижу смысла в продолжении дискуссии, ибо по факту вам сказать абсолютно нечего!

О каком выдвижении третий срок подряд вы говорите?
Это только у вас в воображении сроки президентства Путина подряд.