Bye Bye, The Summer Holidays or This Wonderful Education System!

in #life7 years ago

Well, the summer raced through our lives by a succession of various events, leaving us with only memories - pleasant and not... According to the indestructible tradition of the times, autumn came to the post and brought to us new impressions, joys and, of course, cares. Like most parents, the main "Autumn issue" for us it is the next academic year.

I'll tell you a little about the school where my son is studying.

Beauty! True? Unfortunately, not all so good!

  • The school is located in another district.

A few years ago, a school in our district was closed... and indeed, why do we need a school here? After all, there are only drug addicts and alcoholics here! By the way, there are absolutely no children here... Probably that's what the city administration thought when they decided to close the school! Of course, in the news (you need to look as if you think of the people days and nights) this game was presented literally as a gift of fate! In general, as usual, politicians played their cards no matter what! We were promised school buses, quality education...

  • School buses.

By car to school 15-20 minutes, with heavy traffic - 35-40 minutes, in winter - 1-1.5 hours. Oh yes, school buses... it's one and a half :) well, there are two... but one is always in repair, and the second for children of first, second and third class. Can you imagine what it's like when your child moved into the fourth grade? 10 years old, dammit! He is already old enough to go over the four-lane road without traffic lights, and to wait 1/2/3 hours for public transport in winter! Of course, we try to drive him to school and take back. But this is not always possible.

  • Education.

This year, my son moved to the sixth grade and we were waiting for new surprises... and it didn't take long! Sixth grade, I remember those times when I was at school - physics, computer science, algebra. But it seems the days of Soviet education passed! Now the country needs more slaves - frankly stupid, uneducated, obedient! There are no such subjects in the school curriculum. What can I say? This year, the librarian will teach children of math!

What a twist!

And you know, we learned all this at the meeting, three days before the start of studies! No information on the school's website! It's understandable! Fewer students - less funding - less money from the budget to be stolen! If this information were publicly available earlier, many would go to other schools... including us! Despite all our financial problems, we will do much more than we can for our child! After all, for the system, our children are just numbers in the statistics...

Therefore, we strengthen home education, looking for good tutors in basic subjects and explain to the child how not to fall into the lifelong slavery of the vicious system! :) I hope he will be smart enough to transfer to good high school next year!

Here is such a sad story about the modern free Russian education! This is the reality! Nothing to do with the glorious Soviet education the modern system does not have!

How are things going in your countries/cities? What is your opinion about modern paid/free education?

Sincerely, disappointed Terry Craft.

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Haha fun is almost over and back to reality ...thanks for the reminder, upped.

I think parent and citizens have to come together more to help improve the process. You can't leave it in other hands, especially a free paid school system, I would think would lack the funds to go the extra mile, something all parents would want for there kids.

Unfortunately, in our country public opinion means nothing - pseudo-democracy.

Not so long ago politicians (with a large number of journalists) came to the hospital to a young couple and said that their child was born (let's call it a millionth, I do not remember exactly), and now they get a new apartment from the government. It was in a lot of media, all the papers were signed... but those people never see promised apartment

That is crazy. People in the community just need to come together, raise funds, and do it themselves. If it is allowed. It is typical almost everywhere it seems, to be controlled and lied to.

@terrycraft In a developing country like ours,the Philippines,Free/paid education is such a big deal since most of our fellowmen are living below poverty line. Free education could uplift the morale of poor communities and will give hope to our future generation, the youth.

Hello, @thoots! I agree completely! But when free education turns into deception, falsehood - is not right! People should have the right and the opportunity to change their lives or their children's lives for the better!

Yeah, I also agree with you,I can feel your disappointments!

Great education

relly are me fowller......jast now

Nice post @terrycraft it is very hard to go for school but when we reach college days we will get to know importance of those days . Now again I want to go school and play with my classmates :(

South Africa's education system is in shambles, and to compensate they keep dropping the pass rate so it still looks good on paper... its a total joke at the moment.

A similar situation, in official reports and in the media, everything is fine! Every year, schools buy computers and materials for practical classes in chemistry and physics... but all this only on paper: (

This sounds very familiar to American schools. The quality has gone down over the years and the freepublic schools have kind of turned to even more shit.

The private schools that charge $30k/yr/student seem to be doing okay but even then they still require parents to supply materials for the school. And the uniforms cost over $150 per, so 5 times that for a week of clean clothes.

We even have students riding the bus for 2+ hours to transfer to out of district schools. It really is a shame.

However, just like you mentioned, school as an institution is less about learning and more about fitting into the mold. As parents, you should supplement your child's learning with games and adventures that build upon what the school is lacking in.

Sorry to hear the issues with your kids schooling though. It does seem a bit worse than America.

In fact, it is sad that the education system as a whole and free schools in particular turn into a circus!

Education from elementary school !SHOULD! involve children! Schools must interest, fill, give!

By discouraging interest in learning from childhood the education system destroys itself!

But the less educated a person is, the smarter the government seems! The less "confrontation" from such a people you can expect ... maybe this is the state plan?

P.S. Sorry for the next conspiracy theory :)

Thanks for sharing these lovely aspects of your life friend.

Much love and appreciation from me <.3

Good morning, a pleasure to read, your post is great, my name Matias I am from Argentina, here the education goes through serious problems, because it is poorly regulated by the different districts and provinces, then the well-done or not education of our children is defined by the desire to do it of the teachers, here you have schools of first level with teachers who are not so much and vice versa (this in the public school) in the private one is a little more balanced by the administrators of said institution, but the pay are really high compared to a basic salary of a middle-class worker. Thank you for your contribution, thank you for sharing!

Hello, Matias.

Apparently, in the families of simple hard workers, only simple hard workers must be... at least modern governments are doing everything to make it harder for us to change the lives of our children for the better!

Becoming sad from the understanding of the fact that such a situation is worldwide.

Hi friend, hope you are doing great, yes system are not sweetable for kids. Democracy is only remaining in black and white, not in reality in everywhere.Any way thanks for sharing your story, have a great day friend, Happy steeming.