Random Survival Tip# 3- We Don't Need No Stinking Ticks

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So, let me start by being Captain Obvious. Nobody likes Ticks. That's a pretty fair statement. Well, if you have them in your area I'm sure you are aware of there presence. Ticks are becoming more and more of an issue lately. This being said here is a great way to repel them.

First off Ladies, you are good. Gentleman, Brace yourselves.....

Pantyhose are a great way to keep Ticks from latching on. Now guys you don't have to go out and find the coolest looking pair of pantyhose you can. The basics will do.

This creates a thin layer between their disgusting little blood sucking faces and your precious skin. And not to mention Lyme Disease or Tick Paralysis. I really truly believe that nobody wants any part of that. So its pretty basic, you simply put on the pantyhose and BOOM! Ticks may climb on but they can't dig in. You might also try cutting a little head hole in the crotch of another pair of pantyhose and cut the feet off to make a sleek yet fashionable Tick resistant shirt.

There other measures that can be taken as well, such as bug spray on skin for Ticks containing 20% or more DEET, picaridin or IR3535, treat your clothes with products containing 0.5% permethrin.

So if your out in the wilderness, whether it be stuck or by choice bring your pantyhose. Not only is this an effective alternative technique but it is also a cheaper one. So in conclusion..... Pantyhose + Bug Out Bag = Happiness. Keep this in mind, and always check for ticks after a day out and about.

Semper Fidelis


I think there may be some factual inaccuracies here. It's an old wives' tale that ticks drop from above to begin with.
Here are some tips from the University of Rhode Island:


Thanks for posting. The ticks over the last few years have been really bad in my area. I've often come back and had to pull 2 or 3 off the dogs after a walk or playing out in the yard. I miss the days when we had chickens and guinea fowl, they really kept the problem in check.

I used to live in Pennsylvania and I've been lucky enough to pull a couple off before they decided to dig into my skin. But i bought this fairly cheap spray for the lawn that kept them away after that. I'm not sure if it is pet friendly though. We didn't have any animals at the time.

I've only ever had problems with them actually attaching themselves on the dogs. I even woke up one night from a dead sleep with one pinched between my thumb and forefinger (I have no idea how I did that).
There's a product out called a tick twister (not to be confused with a titty-twister) that does a pretty good job taking them off the dogs once they've actually latched on.

I've seen something similar to that at wal mart. I think it was like a tick hook or something. I'll look into it more. as for the pinching of the tick.... it must have been the ninja intuition. lol.

Thanks for the correction. Fixed the issue. Appreciate it.

I dug around and finally found an article I read a few years back.

five of these bastards embedded in me this year, and its only June. You gotta get a "tick key"its the best thing around for pulling them out.

I've seen those at Walmart. Luckily Nevada isn't really a tick friendly place but I came from NY so I know they are evil little things.

Soooo, @teotwawkinman you've actually field tested this hosiery equipment?

I have not personally tested this but I do know people that have. Nevada is not really the kind of place ticks like to be. Also I have read this from a reliable source as well.

I do have a good video for you to watch if you would like. It is a field test video. It is not my video but it is a good one.

I have watched this person before. I like his videos.
Thank you for the follow up.

No problem. If you would like I will do a similar video with ants as well. Let me know.