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RE: Our Life on Planet Earth – Part 3: What happens after death?

in #life8 years ago

Interesting read. You are very brave writing on this subject. I'm a believer according to the Bible and I believe I will experience eternal life according to those scriptures. That is if I continue to try to live as the Bible directs. There is no way we as humans are equipped to understand the details of how we will have eternal life and all the transformation that will take place. I wish, as an average human being, that were so. On that note I think we have to live the best life we can and follow the Master through faith. That is not always easy for me. Then, there are so many questions such as where will Heaven actually be. I had a professor that believed Heaven would be here on earth. So many questions....


Eternal life could not be attain without doing something. You mentioned that human doesn't have the clear understanding on how to obtain eternal life. What if I will tell you that we knew the way to eternal life as mentioned of course by the bible. All the answers can be found in the bible but we could not just read it by ourselves and obtain the understanding, we need somebody to help us understand. I myself could not do that but I can find a way.

Well, we basically know everything, we've experienced it probably many times already, each of us. We just 'had to forget about it' for this lifetime to wake up, explore and learn to to able to evolve. And if I got you right: Yes, the bible is very hard to read, nothing can be taken and understood as it is said. Everything is a synonym.

Wonderful reply @team101. Thank you very much! I don't believe we'll ever get all the answers, maybe we don't need to, maybe it's not necessary, we'll see.No one promised it would be easy :) I agree with you, we can't understand the details no matter how hard we try. Wish you all the best!