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RE: Anyone Else Had A Power Glove?

in #life7 years ago

I didn't have a power glove but I had a friend who did.

The good story isn't from that era, though, but from considerably later. I've always been good at making younger friends, and when the Wii came out a lot of them were really excited about the possibilities of accelerometer-driven gaming.

One of them made a very wide-eyed post about how incredible and revolutionary it would be to make a device that could translate your hand movements into gaming controls, maybe using some sort of glove. She was really into it. It was so sad to have to disillusion her.


I also had a friend with a powerglove, and I envied them for approximately the amount of time it took to put on the glove, load duckhunt, and press start.

It was so sad to have to disillusion her.

There's hope! My uni has a VR lab which I was recently able to tour and the current gloves are so much closer to what we expected as kids.