I’ve decided that I need to crack down on my eating habits, and to start me back on the path, I went to my weight-loss place this morning. I thought they’d make me feel bad for not going in for the past 3 weeks, but they didn’t. They’re actually really nice people, which makes going there easier. The woman I talked to today told me a few things. First, she was like, “Put away that scale!!!” I guess because if I’m weighing myself at home then I don’t have as great a need to go into the place. I get weighed 3 times a week there, and that should be enough. She also suggested getting more ‘grab and go’ snacks, like cherry tomatoes or carrots, or to cut things up when I have time, and before I actually need them. So yeah, I feel better knowing I’m not wasting my money, at the very least.
She also said if I stay on track I can still get down to my coveted weight by summer, which is very exciting. I’m a little sceptical if I’ll ACTUALLY get to 135 by then, or if I’ll be in the 140’s or something because I’ve been working out a lot and building my muscles, which will inevitably add to my weight, but I don’t really care because I know that my shape will be where I want it if I can just keep this up.
So today I’ve stayed right on track and I’ve even been writing in my food diary (which, by the way, I think is the world’s biggest pain, even if it IS effective!), and I’ve had not one bit of junkfood today, which is how I’m going to keep it.
I had some sad news today, which is that this was the last time Titi and I would be able to go to the gym together for a few months because her schedule becomes a lot more full starting this week of school, and mine is kinda of all over the place, so we suck and our schedules conflict. SAD!!! That means no aquafit for a while, which is really too bad because I liked going to the class, but I’m not going to go on my own. I guess on the up side of things, it gives me a chance to hone in on my jogging skills, because I’m going to cancel the gym membership until I need it again, so I’m stuck with the good old NATURAL methods of getting in shape! Hurrah!
Anyway, I’ve got to cut this short (well, short for me anyway…), because I’ve got to go to my history class, so I’ll finish off with my stats.
Workout: 18 min treadmill, 25 min. elliptical machine, walked 1.5 km around the track
Junk food: NONE!!! Go me!