The Last Telegram Issued On Earth have been sent in 2018.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The last telegram on earth was issued in France, April 30, 2018 at 11:59 pm.

This is a copy of the telegram with my translation to help you understand what is written.
last telegram.jpg

It contained 70 words that said:

"The last telegram was issued tonight 11:59 pm-STOP-
Created in 1879 the service was managed by Orange on the Paris ST- Michel site - STOP- After 8 pm on the Paris Alleray site - STOP- This is a page in the history of telecoms that turns to the benefit of new technologies -STOP-
Good luck and thank you to all our colleagues who were still running this service- STOP and END".

Famous french showman Yves Montand sending a telegram.
Very funny...He is sending a love letter and is beeing annoyed by the lady that retranscribes it.

For the ones that doesn't know what i am talking about :

bip bip biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip bip bip bip ...